Aixi que, com deia ahir, estic recuperat. Però no del tot fisicament. Els mesos de inacció, i uns altres mesos de poca acció, m'han deixat bastant fora de forma - quan abans podia caminar 4 o 5 hores sense descansar, ara justet arribo a una hora (a més dels 5kg que he guanyat). Afegit a aixo està al fet que els metges m'han dit que si reforçi la musculatura de la cama, potser les molesties que noto no seràn tantes. Per tant, he fet allò que sempre sabia que no s'ha de fer. Comprar una maquina de fer exercicis. És ben conegut qua aquelles maquines s'usen el primer dia i despres es guarden a l'habitació de trastos .... però,en fi, he decidit posar una mica de disciplina en la vida. Crec que si marco objectius amb una data final - de fer-ho regularment durant un any, per exemple - encara puc fer-ho sabent que aixo no serà per a sempre. De moment, lo de "regular" varia entre 1 i 2 cops per setmana!
So, as I was saying t'other day, I'm back to my usual fit and healthy self. Well, not quite. The months of inactivity, followed by months of little activity, have taken their toll. Apart from the extra 5kg of weight, I can no longer do a 5-hour walk without breaking into a sweat. Lucky if I manage one hour. On top of this problem, the doctors all insist that maybe strengthening the leg muscles will relieve the pain I often feel in my leg, maybe. So, I've gone out and done the one thing I know you should never do - buy an exercise machine. It's a well-known fact that they just get used once and then merely serve to collect dust, but I'm hoping my fame for self-discipline will come to the fore-front here. Surely, if I set a schedule and end-date, I'll stick to it, knowing that this torture will one day come to an end? So, I'm hoping to use it "virtually every day" for one year, then see where I'm at. This regularity has demonstrated itself as one or two goes a week so far....