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dimarts, 16 d’octubre del 2012

4 songs - Kirsty MacColl

S'en parla molt dels artistes "famosos" que ens han deixat massa aviat - Lennon, Elvis, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, .... però de la Kirsty MacColl, es parla poc. Avuí, que no és ni el seu aniversari ni l'aniversari de la seva mort, toca fer-li un petit homentatge a aquesta gran cantant, i gran persona.
Much has been said, and is said, about the well-known singers who have died too young, but not many "experts" talk about Kirsty MacColl. It's not her birthday, nor the anniversary of her death today, but evenso, here goes my homage to this great singer, and great person.