dijous, 22 d’abril del 2010

(Who wrote) The Book of Love - The Monotones

Demà, dia 23 d’abril, és el primer aniversari del bloc. És un dia especial per molta gent. Però, començar aquest bloc el dia de Sant Jordi va ser una pura casualitat. El fet és que portava dies fent proves, i el 22 d’abril ja estava a punt per penjar-ho, i quan em vaig adonar, ja havia passat mitjanit i .... el resto és historia!

Entre llibres, roses i altres gestos romàntics, la cançó no podria ser altre que (Who Wrote) The Book Of Love (Davis/Malone/Patrick) dels The Monotones, de l’any 1958. Qui va escriure el llibre de l’amor?

Tomorrow is the 23rd April - a very special day in Catalonia. The Catalans’ Patron Saint happens to be Saint Jordi (or George in English), you know, the guy who killed the dragon. On this day it is customary to walk the streets with your family looking at the open-air book stalls set out this day, as the Catalans celebrate this day by giving books and roses to their lovers/partners. Tradition dictates books for men and roses for women, though many men give both a book and a rose to their “better half”. It is an extremely beautiful, cultural and peaceful celebration. As such, many countries have also tried copying this idea of a “book giving day”, and in 1995 UNESCO declared 23rd April to be World Book Day (even though, for reasons better known to themselves, the UK celebrates its “World” Book Day in March!).
Cervantes was born and died on the 23rd April, and Shakespeare also died on this date – but as the English and Spanish used different calendars back then, these “23rd”s were not exactly the same day, if that makes sense!
Click here for more info.
This blog started out one year ago, on St Jordi’s Day 2009, but it was a pure coincidence even though it is such an important date here. After days of experimenting with the idea, on the night of the 22nd the first post was ready but, as is usual with computers, it took longer than expected and the next thing we knew we were in the early hours of the 23rd!

Anyway, for a song .... books, romantic gestures, .... what about the Monotones with (Who Wrote) The Book of Love (Davis/Malone/Patrick) from 1958?

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