Al 1989 el
semi-final de la Copa FA de futbol a Anglaterra es jugava al camp de
Hillsborough, Anglaterra – a uns 15 km de casa dels mons pares. Van morir 96
persones, tots fans del Liverpool FC. La versió primera de la noticia culpava
els “hooligans”, dient que havien entrat al camp de males maneres, forçant la
porta. Pocs dies després el diari sensacionalista (i el diari més llegit d’Anglaterra)
The Sun reforçava aquesta versió i afegia detalls – que els propis fans de
Liverpool havien robat carteres als cossos morts que estaven estirats
en el camp, que els havien orinat damunt, que havien atacat a la policia i als
del servei d’ambulancies. Que estaven tots borratxos i per a civilitzar... en
fi, un munt de calumnies que quadrava perfectament amb l’imatge que alguns
volien vendre sobre la gent de ciutats com Liverpool (ciutats post-industrials al nort, amb tothom a l'atur vivint "gràcies" als diners de la seguretat social i, segons el govern, vivint del xollo...).
Poc a poc, les
families de la gent que hi va morir han anat esbrinant les veritats i buscant
justícia. Després de molts anys de campanya i lluites politiques i legals, van
aconseguir que el govern obres una investigació als fets. Un primer informe l’any
després de la tragèdia ja explicava que la culpa principal estava en uns fallos
de la policia, i finalment al 2009 el govern va autoritzar la publicació de
milers de documents secrets i la formació d’un comite de investigació ja
definitiva. Al 2012 van publicar els resultats.
Sembla ser que
aquell dia, el partit estava a punt de començar i encara no tenien tots els
aficionats de Liverpool dins de l’estadi. La policia va obrir una porta ampla de sortida
per deixar-los entrar en massa, en comptes de la típica entrada controlada d’un
en u. A més a més, els van indicar d’entrar una secció de l’estadi que ja
estava ple – recordeu que en aquella època als estadis la gent estava de peu i
no tenies un lloc teu sinó era com entrar en un concert dels Sex Pistols –
sense cap agent de la policia controlant la situació. Van entrar-hi massa gent, i la
policia encara hi enviava més gent, estaven com a sardines i davant tenien
aquelles tanques terribles que ficava per a que la gent no podia saltar al
camp. Van morir aplastats. Fallo de la policia. A més a més, segons l’investigació,
ja des de primer hora la policia va intentar amagar el fallo, inventant la seva
versió, canviant els escrits (169!) dels testimonis, donant instruccions al seus
agents de la versio del que “havia passat” que podien donar, i filtrant la seva versió manipulada a uns
politics del partit Conservador, qui després ho van passar al The Sun. Des de
llavors que ningú a Liverpool compra aquest diari.
Per fi, ara el
govern ha demanat disculpes, i The Sun també (d’aquella manera), i s’ha buscat
responsibilitats dins del cos de policia.
Les families han
anat recollint diners tots aquells anys per cobrir la seva campanya i per
ajudar les families més afectats. L’any passat alguns dels cantants més grans de
Gran Bretanya es van ajuntar amb el nom del Col·lectiu per a la Justicia, i van
gravar aquesta cançó (dels Hollies) que va arribar a numero 1 de ventes al
nadal passat. La podeu comprar per iTunes (aqui no val descarrega gratis!). Una
bona causa. I si no sabeu que vol dir "spine-tingling" en anglès, esteu a punt de saber-ho ....
Aquí al Wikipedia alguna cosa
en castellà, però val la pena llegir la versió completa en anglès. (he afegit una llista de qui participa en els Comentaris)
In 1989 96
Liverpool fans were crushed to death in Hillsborough football stadium.
Immediately it became “known” that it was all the fault of crazy drunken
hooligans who still needed civilizing. It was just so easy to put it down to
those no-good-for-nothing unemployed rude and rough folk from Liverpool
(especially as 4 years before, their fans had been responsible for another
football tragedy in Brussels). The Police Inspectors were more than happy to
put the blame on the fans, and the same week, Britain’s top-selling newspaper
(some still call it that), The Sun, claimed some fans had pickpocketed the dead
corpses of their fellow fans, others had urinated on them, attacked the police,
attacked the ambulance service and so on ....
however, a first governmental inquiry the following year soon laid the seeds of
doubt. They suggested the police were actually to blame, for directing far too
many fans into one area of the standing-room-only sardine tins known as
enclosures. This, and the fencing around it, led to the crushing of the fans.
The victims’ families continued pressing, though, for a further inquiry, one
which would get to all the truth and put names and faces to whoever was to
blame. Eventually in 2009 the government agreed to open up thousands of
confidential documents to a new independent inquiry. The results came out last
It seems that, as kick-off was approaching, and all the fans were not in
the stadium, the police opened the main exit gate and sent all the fans in “en
masse”. They did not control the numbers or a correct distribution of the fans.
Just hours after the disaster, the police
bosses were already “selling” their version of events (overrun by hooligans) to wash the blood
off their hands, and in following days instructions were given to police
officers as to what to say when asked, and 169 witness statements were
manipulated so as to hide the police force's faults, and lay the blame on the
fans. The nonsense published in The Sun was actually “leaked” by the police to
a Tory MP who then called the Sun’s editor .... anyway, the findings of this
report came out and at last the families can rest knowing their fathers,
brothers, sons and daughters have had their names cleared. David Cameron issued
an apology as did The Sun (in a way) and some police bosses have been blamed,
though 25 years after the event, few are still in the force.
families have funded their campaign and raised money to help those families
with problems through various channels. At Christmas 2012, many top singers and
groups came together to sing this song, which made number one, and made many a
spine tingle, and still does .... Still available to buy on iTunes (no illegal
downloads please!).
(now with list of artists added in Comments)
(now with list of artists added in Comments)
Andy Brown (Lawson)
Gerry Marsden (Gerry and the Pacemakers)
Paul Heaton (The Beautiful South)
Glenn Tilbrook (Squeeze)
John Power (Cast, The La's)
Robbie Williams
Melanie C
Rebecca Ferguson
Holly Johnson (Frankie Goes to Hollywood)
Beverley Knight
Paloma Faith
Eliza Doolittle
Dave McCabe (The Zutons)
Peter Hooton (The Farm)
Ren Harvieu
Jon McClure (Reverend and The Makers)
Paul McCartney
Shane MacGowan (The Pogues)
Bobby Elliott (The Hollies)
Tony Hicks (The Hollies)
Hollie Cook (The Slits)
LIPA Gospel Choir
Chris Sharrock (Beady Eye) – drums
David Catlin-Birch (World Party) – bass
Paul McCartney – lead guitar
Mick Jones (The Clash) – electric guitar
Andrew "Davo" Davitt – acoustic guitar
Guy Chambers – piano
Will Pound – harmonica
Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra – strings
Richard Blake – trumpet/flugelhorn
Matthew Lewis – trombone/euphonium
Meredith Moore – French horn
Will Roberts – tuba
Guy Chambers – producer
Richard Flack – producer, engineer
Oliver Som – engineer
Liam Nolan – engineer
Chris Taylor – engineer
Jon Withnall – engineer
Tony Draper – engineer
Alec Brits – engineer
(source: Wikipedia, of course)