dimecres, 3 d’abril del 2013

On The Run - Into The East #New_Zealand

Un dels avantatjes d'això de portar el compte de CatalanVoices aquesta setmana, és que puc conversar i intercanviar idees amb gent d'arreu del món. I com que sovint parlo de música, pos, vaig coneixent nous grups :) I com que sóc un fan dels Hobbits, sempre m'atreu Nova Zelanda i avui parlant amb ells, m'han recomanat aquest grup. Into The East.
One of the best things (for me) about tweeting from CatalanVoices is that I get to "chat" with folk from all over the world. And, what do we talk about? Well, when I can, music! So making the most of it, and my natural attraction for all-things-Hobbit, I've asked the New Zealand tweeter for a list of cool NZ bands. This is the first one I've checked out :)
Into The East.

2 comentaris:

  1. Lovely. I don't follow much NZ music.

    The rocks in the suitcase reminded me of the peanut butter story:

    The workman sighed as he opened up his lunchbox.
    'Peanut butter again' he remarked heavily to the others sitting around on girders. 'What have you guys got today?'
    'Salami on whole-wheat'
    'Onion and cheese'
    There was a pause.
    'So, if you don't like peanut butter, why don't you get your old lady to make you something different?'
    'You don't understand. I make my own.'

  2. Ha ha, good one!
    I'm loving my week on the Catalan twitter thing - "meeting" some fascinating people from around the world (no Hobbits though, maybe their fingers are too chubby for tweeting ...), finding out some great stuff, and being allowed to say what I think about Catalonia and life in general is pretty cool. Plus, I'm finding some great music, my first love :)
