dijous, 5 de setembre del 2013

Doctor Doctor - Thompson Twins

So, it looks like the summer break from blogging will have to be extended a little more for reasons beyond my control. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible! Meanwhile, here's a little clue ....

7 comentaris:

  1. I am going to impress you here. I knew Tom Bailey before he was famous - when he was just a temporary music teacher at Brook School in Sheffield. Did you know he named the band after those bowler-hatted twins in "Tin-Tin"? A few years after I first met him, I saw him beamed live into our homes from Philadelphia - Live Aid! And there was me - still chipping away at the old chalkface.

  2. Wow, suitably impressed! So, I see now I could have included them in my infamous run of posts on Yorkshire-created music. Oh well, maybe for part two!
    Was he always humming soon-to-be-famous snippets like Hold Me Now, or Doctor Doctor, as he wandered the school corridors?

  3. BTW, I believe you missed the amazing Elsecar Folk Festival, Madfest, this summer (i.e. I didn't see you at the bar). Don't worrry, I will be posting on it once I get back on track.

  4. Que no he seguit els teus consells, i suposo que no m'he cuidat prou - o aixo, o la (mala) sort de l'atzar ... en fi, estic de baixa laboral, que he tornat de vacances amb un trombosi a la cama i ara a vore com evoluciona tot! En fi, en mans dels doctors ;)

    1. Ei!! doncs cuide't, que tu ets el primer. La resta, pot esperar. No tinguis presa en tornar a la feina. Ja m'entens.
      Cuide't molt
