No sóc massa d’explicar
els meus problemes personals aquí al blog, suposo perquè ja sé que tots en tenim
i si vinc aquí a l’internet una estona, no és per explicar les meves misèries.
Però, avui fem una mitja-excepció, bàsicament perquè he tingut alguna
(relativament) bona noticia. Malgrat ser jove, fort i guapo, al final de l’estiu
passat em vam diagnosticar un trombosi de vena profunda (TVP) a la cama
esquerra. Un mal que te c**** va ser el primer símptoma, seguit per una gradual
inflor de la cama. Finalment van descobrir que era un TVP i em van posar el
tractament adequat. Com que soc molt, però molt, anti-voler-saber-res-del-cos-humà,
no en sabia res d’aquesta malaltia ni les complicacions que podria causar. Per
tant, les primeres setmanes quan em van explicar els perills de tenir un trombo
a la cama i que podria afectar seriosament altres òrgans del cos, em vaig
quedar de pedra i em va costar molt reaccionar! Degut a tot plegat i el mal que
em feia, he passat tot un trimestre de baixa de la feina.
Però la noticia
avui és que ja hi he tornat aquesta setmana i em trobo (relativament) bé.
Encara em fa mal la cama, però es veu que els perills han passat. De fet, em
diuen que el dolor pot quedar-se una llarga temporada, però si només és això,
cap problema! En fi, ja he fet tres dies de classe, però només unes hores
soltes cada dia per anar agafant el ritme poc a poc, i no tornar a necessitar
la baixa a la primera de canvi! Però, bé, almenys ara tinc problemes nous en
que pensar i puc tornar a cobrar el sou normal :)
I’m not one for
normally moaning, or even explaining, my personal problems on this blogpage. I
suppose it’s because we’ve all got our own issues to deal with and it’s not for
me to inundate the internet with more worries and moans – if/when I come on
here, I’d much rather forget about my troubles (and look at someone else’s!).
But we’ll make a
sort of exception today as this problem is coming to an end, and it’s a
(relatively) Good News Week – turns out that at the end of the summer I was
diagnosed with a Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) in my left leg. First symptoms were
an incredible pain, and in following days a gradual swelling in my leg until I
eventually got a decent diagnosis (it’s a long story which I won’t go into) and
was able to start the correct treatment. Being afraid of anything related to
doctors and hospitals, I always avoid anything to do with human health issues
and as such had never heard of DVTs or the possible consequences of having one.
When doctors explained, with a serious expression, what could happen – the blood
clots can apparently travel round your veins and get to your important internal
organs causing serious damage or something worse .... – I was shocked to say
the least. Between my brain going into overdrive and the pain in the leg, it
took a few weeks to even come back down to earth.
Anyway, months of treatment and a never-ending list of doctor appointments and tests later, I’ve now got the OK to go back to work. I started back on Wednesday – yeah!! And am feeling relatively OK. The first few days, I only did 3 classes a day so as to get back into the swing of things without overdoing it and ending up off work again! The fact is the danger has passed, but the pain remains – but apparently this could be here for some time, or even forever! But anyway, I’m back at work, so my brain’s got other things than internet and illnesses to think about and I’m getting my full pay once more, so all’s well that ends well – although it hasn’t ended yet, as I have more tests and doctors coming soon!
Anyway, months of treatment and a never-ending list of doctor appointments and tests later, I’ve now got the OK to go back to work. I started back on Wednesday – yeah!! And am feeling relatively OK. The first few days, I only did 3 classes a day so as to get back into the swing of things without overdoing it and ending up off work again! The fact is the danger has passed, but the pain remains – but apparently this could be here for some time, or even forever! But anyway, I’m back at work, so my brain’s got other things than internet and illnesses to think about and I’m getting my full pay once more, so all’s well that ends well – although it hasn’t ended yet, as I have more tests and doctors coming soon!
Oh Brian, how horrible for you. DVT used to get a lot of publicity for travelers. Like you say work of some sort, is good to get your mind off yourself ~ and sensible you have a phased return to work plan. Best wishes.
ResponEliminaBTW, is your blog still up and running? I'm having problems getting it. Hope all's well.
EliminaNo Brian, I am not blogging at the moment ~ so took it down. Just wanted to start the new year with a fresh blog ~ but haven't settled on a theme yet.
EliminaBeen busy preparing for start of new school year ~ trawling for resources, doing some professional development etc.
Ok! If you start a new one, let us know!
EliminaMine has been meandering from topic to topic for almost 5 years now. I often think about giving up - especially when I've gone more than a week without finding time to blog - or when I'm inundated with work (and associated guilty feelings when I'm net-surfing) - but the fact is I still love doing it!
Thanks. It was a big shock, not only because of my complete ignorance of this problem, but also as it's been my first real health problem - just when you think you're a fit and healthy person, bang, surprise!
ResponEliminaSo sorry to hear about your health issue Brian. A broken leg or a broken heart can be fixed but something like this nags away so that you're never sure when or if it has gone. When you next get back on an aeroplane to fly to Barnsley International, make sure you are wearing compression socks. They are a bugger to get on but now I always wear them after my feet swelled horribly during a flight to India a few years ago. You are not invulnerable as this episode has proven.
ResponEliminaThanks YP - good advice - but, I've beaten you to it. I've been wearing a tight high-pressure compression stocking which goes all the way up to my groin/waist (checks medical encyclopedia ...) for a couple of months. Looks pretty groovy and I'm sure next summer people will think I've been shaving my legs (for extra speed) - as the GP says I should wear it AT ALL TIMES!! Apparently it helps the blood flow etc which should alleviate the pain, and reduce chances of the DVT turning into a PTS (post-thrombosis syndrome). If nothing else, I've learned a few more acronyms in my time off.
EliminaAnyway, I posted a photo of me in the stocking, but was getting too many spam mails from 1970s TV presenters and DJs so I've taken it back down (the photo).
Do you wear black, lacy suspenders too?