Prime Minister,
As expatriate citizens from different countries with strong ties with the United Kingdom, we firstly wish to express our sincere admiration for the democratic position your Government adopted over the Scottish Referendum. The Scottish people were given the opportunity to decide their own future, an initiative that must be deemed fair, modern and democratic. It is due precisely to the wisdom of this decision, however, that we consider it a contradiction that, on November 10th, you should have publicly expressed your support for Mr. Rajoy over the Catalan independence poll which was incomprehensibly declared “illegal” by the Spanish Government. This successful poll was conducted in the most democratic fashion, as certified by a group of MEP observers headed by Mr. Ian Duncan, giving a result of over 80% support for Catalan independence.
As expatriate citizens from different countries with strong ties with the United Kingdom, we firstly wish to express our sincere admiration for the democratic position your Government adopted over the Scottish Referendum. The Scottish people were given the opportunity to decide their own future, an initiative that must be deemed fair, modern and democratic. It is due precisely to the wisdom of this decision, however, that we consider it a contradiction that, on November 10th, you should have publicly expressed your support for Mr. Rajoy over the Catalan independence poll which was incomprehensibly declared “illegal” by the Spanish Government. This successful poll was conducted in the most democratic fashion, as certified by a group of MEP observers headed by Mr. Ian Duncan, giving a result of over 80% support for Catalan independence.
Many Catalans regret the implicit blessing that your
statement bestowed on Mr Rajoy’s blunt opposition to the right of Catalans to vote.
On the twenty-fifth anniversary of the destruction of the Berlin Wall, and 301
years after the British Government’s tragic failure to comply to the terms of
the Treaty of Genova at Utrecht, the signatories of this letter feel that today
it should be the duty of the British Prime Minister, and other European
leaders, to support the Catalan people in their bid to find a democratic
solution to their problem and to take into their own hands the key decisions
regarding their political future. It is a right no European people should be
Yours faithfully,
Yours faithfully,
Un grup de 80 persones vinculats amb el Regne Unit i/o Catalunya hem fet aquesta carta al primer ministre britanic, David Cameron. Ha sortit també a la premsa, aquí i aquí.
Benvolgut Primer Ministre
Benvolgut Primer Ministre
Com a ciutadans expatriats de diferents països
amb vincles estrets amb el Regne Unit, volem d'entrada expressar la nostra
sincera admiració per la posició democràtica que el vostre govern va adoptar
sobre el Referèndum Escocès. El poble escocès va tenir l'oportunitat per decidir
el seu propi futur, iniciativa que considerem justa, moderna i democràtica. És
precisament degut a aquesta assenyada decisió que veiem com a contradictori
que, l'endemà de l'exitosa consulta, vostè declarés públicament el seu suport
per la posició del Sr. Rajoy respecte a la consulta d'independència que
incomprensiblement va ser declarada "" pel Govern espanyol.
Aquesta reeixida consulta es va conduir de la manera més democràtica tal com
van avalar-ho un grup d'eurodiputats liderats pel Sr. Ian Duncan, amb el
resultat de més d'un 80% a favor de la
independència de Catalunya.
Molts catalans estan dolguts davant el suport
implícit que la vostra declaració prestava a l'oposició inflexible del Sr.
Rajoy al dret a decidir dels catalans. En celebrar-se els 25 anys de la caiguda
del Mur de Berlin, i 301 anys després que Gran Bretanya deixés de complir a
Utrecht els mandats del Tractat de Gènova, els signants d’aquesta carta creuen
que el Primer Ministre britànic, i altres liders europeus, tenen avui el deure
de donar suport al poble català en la seva demanda de trobar solucions
democràtiques al conflicte i de poder prendre lliurement les crucials decisions
sobre el seu futur polític. És un dret que no s’hauria de negar a cap país
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