dissabte, 11 d’abril del 2015

An afternoon near the Roques de Benet mountains

Una setmana santa tranquil·la a casa, descansant i fent coses de casa i de familia - però un dia vam fer una escapada. Una tarde vam anar a Horta de Sant Joan, o més concretament la zona d'El Port amb les muntanyes Roques de Benet, i el camí cap a la Mas de la Franqueta. Molt bonic, com sempre (és un lloc que visitem sovint), aquests dies tot verd i amb els barrancs i rius plens. Vam passejar una estona i vam contemplar les muntanyes cubistes tal com va fer Picasso fa uns anys. Fins i tot vam esperar fins gairebé la nit per a fer 4 fotos dels ultims rajos de sol i uns nuvols molt xulos.
So, a quiet Easter at home doing "family things" but one afternoon we drove up into the local mountains for a stroll with the kids. We went to a place near the town of Horta de Sant Joan where Picasso spent a couple of summers as a youngster and where he apparently "invented" cubism. Looking at the interesting skyline of the town, but above all the "square" mountains of Roques de Benet, he "saw the light" - or so the story goes. We had a grand time and even waited till dusk to get some sunset type photos as the last rays of the sun turned the, normally red, rockfaces golden.

This is one of Picasso's first Cubism paintings and is apparently of factory, and rooftops, in Horta de Sant Joan:

2 comentaris:

  1. Fresh open air ~ what better for the family? I see the Easter Bunny leaves bananas in Catalonia instead of chocolate eggs. You know, looking at those rugged rock faces I could quite believe Picasso making that connection with his art. I looked after a Year 8 Art class a few weeks ago who were doing self-portraits and I introduced one young lad to Picasso's work.

    1. Thanks (sorry for the 2-week delay in answering!). I've now included on the post one of Picasso's first cubist paintings, apparently painted here in Horta de Sant Joan.
