dimarts, 1 de juny del 2010

L'Ebre torna a Barcelona, i el River Song del Dennis Wilson

Bé, hem anat i hem tornat. Encara que molts pensàvem que la manifestació del diumenge no tindria èxit, es van equivocar – un altre cop. Com sempre, els ebrencs i altres aliats de l’Ebre i del seny, han omplert els carrers de Barcelona demanant justícia i una cosa fàcil, que es compleixen les lleis. Per a que ens omplen el cap amb histories de l’Unió Europea si després ignoren les seves lleis i dictamens? O hi estem o no estem.

L’estat espanyol està demostrant molt poques ganes (no gens) de aplicar la Directiva europea sobre temes d’aigua. Pensen repartir l’aigua de l’Ebre sense tenir en compte el riu i la seva vida, en contra del que els ha dit des de Brussel·les. Per això un cop més hem hagut d’anar a Barcelona, “perdent” un dia de l’estiu, gastant els diners que no tenim (i ara ens foten un 5, o més, % a molta gent que ahir estaven), per fer la feina que els governs mateixos cobren per fer.

Unes quantes fotos, i la cançó River Song del Dennis Wilson. I aqui, més sobre l'Ebre.

Well, on Sunday once more the people of the river Ebro region filled the streets of Barcelona demanding justice and common sense – and, above all, that laws are made to be followed. Why do our governments sell us the story of the benefits of being in the European Union if, afterwards, they themselves are the first to ignore EU law? We’re either in the EU or we’re not.
Spain is showing very little willingness to apply the European Water Directive. They intend to share out the Ebro’s water to the highest bidder without taking into account the river or its ecosystems, as opposed to what EU laws state. For this reason, once more, the inhabitants of the Ebro area have had to “lose” a beautiful summer day, and spend money which many do not have, to go to Barcelona and do the job that the governments are paid for doing.


A few photos followed by Here’s Dennis Wilson with River Song. And here, more posts on the Ebro.

5 comentaris:

  1. It's always a pity when the natural environment comes second to human's needs. But at least now I know the Catalan for 'pathetic'!

  2. Interesting which are the key words for language learning depending on the context! My brother started Russian back in the 80s and had to learn words like "factory" and "tractor" before pencil and table!! So, I think if you want an intro to Spanish/Catalan politics, "pathetic" is a good starter!

    If only it were human NEEDS but rather seems to be Human Greed - irrational over-exploitation based on EU subsidies, or making a quick buck with low quality over-crowded tourism seems to be the govt.s objectives for the river Ebro. Which would all be fine (well, not really) if only the same govt hadn't passed EU laws with the opposite objectives; first, common sense, rationality, ecosystems, local people`s way of life etc etc.

    Anyway, for more info see the 5 or 6 entries I posted in May on the Ebro.
    Thanks for the visit and interest:)

  3. Si els que surten a la segona foto son la teva dona i els teus fills, això vol dir que ens varem veure. I a més a més unes quantes vegades. Finalment, la teva dona i jo ens varem saludar, ja que poc o molt ens coneixem. No és de la família Panisello Cabrera?

  4. Pos, si, son ells! A vore si a la proxima et coneixem (li ha preguntat a la dona pero no fa "clik" i no et localitza ....).
    A tot cas, ens envies un mail-et en privat a l'adreça que tenim a TempsDeParaules amb més pistes ...:)
