divendres, 22 de febrer del 2013

Sheep - The Housemartins #22nd_February

Quines coses fascinants han passat en els 22s de febrer! Entre elles podem trobar, per exemple, aquesta: Encara que Dolly, l'ovella clonada, va neixer el 5 de juliol 1996, la van presentar en public el 22 de febrer, 1997 - fa tot just 16 anys. Com passa el temps, ei!
Per cert, es diu Dolly perque la van clonar d'una glandula mamaria, i quin cantant té un bon parell de glandules mamaries ...? Dolly Parton!
Canviant de cantants, avui escoltem els Housemartins. La seva cançó també parla d'ovelles, però de les ovelles de 2 potes ....
So what other amazing things have happened on 22nds of February throughout the ages? Well, although the cloned sheep Dolly was born in 1996, she was presented to the public on 22nd February 1997 - 16 years ago today! How time flies!
Apparently she was named Dolly after Dolly Parton, as she'd been cloned from a mammary gland cell ....
Today's song by the Housemartins is also about sheep, but the two-legged type ...

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