dimecres, 25 de setembre del 2013

Scarborough Fair - Jove Cor Flumine / Simon & Garfunkel

La setmana passada va començar el nou concurs a TV3, Oh Happy Day, i ho vam mirar gairebé tota. Normalment no sóc fan d'aquest tipus de programa perquè sempre em queda el dubte de fins quin punt és real o "trucat", i tampoc són massa justos ja que el criteri per fer un bon programa de la tele no és e, mateix criteri per triar un bon cantant etc. 
Però ho vam mirar principalment perquè actuaven un grup coral de Tortosa i les Terres de l'Ebre (suposo que la majoria de cantants són de Tortosa, i la directora d'Amposta), el Jove Cor Flumine. Coneixem un bon grapat d'ells, tots joves i amb ganes de passar-ho bé. Trobo que van cantar molt però molt bé, i a més a més van triar una de les nostres cançons favorities, Scarborough Fair. Aquí la teniu, i desprès una versió dels Simon and Garfunkel d'aquesta cançó tradicional.
As a rule I never watch reality shows on TV or these talent, singing, dancing, competitions. Mainly through lack of TV-watching time, combined with serious doubts as to how "real" these programmes are, and the fact that they are never fair - the TV producers are looking for a good show, not the best artist.
Anyway, last week we broke our rule and watched Oh Happy Day, a show where 9 Catalan choir-groups compete - choirs, but with a modern edge, singing songs by the likes of Queen and Adele!
We watched it basically as a youngsters' choir from Tortosa were taking part and we know the conductor (do choirs have conductors?) and half the singers. They were up against some tough opposition - semi-professional groups, music students etc - but did pretty well. Let's see how they get on next week when one has to be eliminated ...
To put the icing on the cake, they sang one of our favourite songs - Scarborough Fair - which you can see below, followed by another version of this traditional song by the one and only Simon & Garfunkel.....

2 comentaris:

  1. The choral version was really lovely! Thank you for posting that. Choir Master? Conductor will do though, I'm sure. The Music Police won't be around.

  2. You never know - no one expects the Language Perfectionists!
    Yes, we liked it too, to say how young they are (14-18) I think they sing pretty well. The TV show itself isn't too bad, though being a competition you've got the usual Good Judge, Nasty Judge thing and fortnightly tension and tears as one choir gets eliminated. Luckily "ours" made it through again on Saturday (singing Your Song) so they've got another 2 weeks on the show at least.
