Continuant amb el tema. Aquesta setmana hem mirat el documental Beware of Ginger Baker. Bonissim!
Ginger és un dels bateries més coneguts i més bons de l'historia del rock, encara que, segons ell, el seu primer amor és el jazz. Als 60 va formar part d'alguns dels grups més interessants d'aquella epoca, com Cream o Blind Faith. Després, la seva excentricitat, impulsivitat i ganes de experimentar noves coses li han portat per una vida "de pel·licula". No se sap com, però ha sobreviscut els excessos i les drogues i encara viu, i toca, a Sur Africa, el lloc on el documentalista li ha fet l'entrevista. Una altra de les histories inoblidables que ens ha deixat la bona musica.
Sticking with the theme - this week, yet another rock-documentary. The fascinating Beware of Ginger Baker.
Ginger first came to fame as the drummer of 60s' groups like Cream or Blind Faith, and was quickly recognised as the first great rock drummer - although he'd rather be known as a jazz drummer. After the brief exhilarating lives of these groups, his excentricity, impulsiveness, and desire for new experiences led him to an amazing series of adventures in the world of music (and polo!). Somehow he also managed to survive his lifestyle and all the drugs, and still lives, and occasionally plays, in South Africa - which is where the documentary-maker went to interview him. Another fascinating story that rock music has gifted us with.
I am really enjoying your reviews of the music documentaries. Sunday night has become a regular music doco night here on tele ~ ext week is David Bowie.
ResponEliminaDavid Bowie! Great!
ResponEliminaThanks, I've got another couple of similar posts still up my sleeve before I move on to some other subject. I'm keeping them short so as not to give away the stories (the beauty is in the watching), but also due to time restrictions on my blogging life. Still, better something short than nothing at all I suppose!
Glad you're enjoying them; I hope you get chance to see any which grab your attention.
Well, I know a lot more about Ginger Baker the 'lovable rogue' now than I did before!
ResponEliminaFor "lovable rogue", read "mad man"! If you get chance to see the full film (or have you?), do so. Starts off with the "typical" 60s rock star - drugs, bust-ups, split-ups etc, then goes to discover African music and ends up staying there virtually all of the 70s. A time of turmoil and violence, and great music, and somehow he gets into playing polo! The show just gets crazier, but as one of his ex-wives says, he's the guy who just keeps surviving!
ResponEliminaArtists, eh! :)
"Sunshine of Your Love" ...ahh! What an anthem! Cream were pure and uncluttered. Amazing that three men could make such full sounds. I am amazed that Ginger Baker is still alive - he was such a wild man in his salad days and he drove those drums like a safari jeep across the South African veldt. (See! I bought my poetic licence at the post office!)
ResponEliminaYou don't need to work out how your DVD functions this time; the full documentary is on Youtube and available to see for 'nowt anywhere where the internet reaches out to - Sheffield included. Sit down, and be prepared for 90 minutes of mad fun you couldn't make up (not brilliant picture quality but it'll do) ...