dilluns, 25 de novembre del 2013

On top of the world - Imagine Dragons #CoolVideo

Em sembla que els Imagine Dragons han passat una estona molt divertida fent aquest video - ple de referencies a coses que van passar, o no van passar, als 1960s o 70s ... a vore quantes coses veieu? Demà posaré el que he vist jo i els que he trobat amb l'ajud del Google :)
Looks like this group had a hell of a good time making this video. Packed to the brim with subtle references to things that happened - or didn't happen - in the 1960s and 70s. See how many you can spot. I'll post what I've noticied (some alone, some with the help of Mr Google) tomorrow :)

4 comentaris:

  1. I saw one sixties reference - when the band were walking across a zebra crossing like that Manchester band - what were they called - oh yes, The Beagles on the front cover of their LP - was it "Abbey Crunch" or something? After the biscuits I guess.

  2. Not a bad start, but there's room for improvement there!

  3. You know Brian, having confessed that I like Imagine Dragins and have this album, I have never seen this video n You Tube. So thank you. I have not read your next post, it has taken me a couple of days to catch up on reading. This was the song my son's graduating class chose as their Senior song. I wonder if they will remember it as anything memorable in 45 years like we remember the Moon Landing?

  4. I think it's quite new. I only saw it a couple of weeks ago for the first time.
    For better or for worse I spend a LOT of time looking through YouTube videos!!
