dimecres, 21 de gener del 2015

Behind the Rainbow, the story of Eva Cassidy

Ahir vaig acabar el llibre "Behind the Rainbow", la biografia d'Eva Cassidy. Afegeix moltes dades i anecdotes al que ja sabiem, i que vaig intentar resumir en una serie de posts fa un parell d'anys. No és una obra literaria magnific, però tampoc cal - amb només saber l'historia detras d'aquesta tragedia, n'hi havia prou. Si us agrada la seva veu, i en voleu saber més, ho puc recomanar. Ja tenia 5 CDs de l'Eva. En acabar el llibre, he encomanat 3 més.
Finished another Christmas present yesterday. Behind the Rainbow, the biography of Eva Cassidy. This book is not a literary masterpiece, but then again, why should it be? Just adding more detail to the story I think we all know by now is sufficient. I tried to summarize her tragic life, and magical talent, in a series of posts a couple of years back and have little to add now. If anyone wants to know more, I'd recommend this book. But, as usual, it's her voice which is the most important thing in the story. Sit back and listen.

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