dilluns, 26 de gener del 2015

Food (1)

Per si no s'ha notat, amb 5 anys de blog sense cap entrada sobe menjar, no sóc un foodie (persona interesat, i molt, en el tema del menjar). M'agrada menjar bé, però també m'agrada menjar malament. Xalo amb la gastronomia catalana i anglesa, però xalo igual amb una torrada de pa amb baked beans (el menjar que faria jo si em demanesseu de cuinar). No sé cuinar gaire, ni entenc tot el que es diu sobre temes gastronomiques. M'agrada comprar coses de qualitat i de producció, però no perque tinc un gran recepta al cap, sino per motius de salut (fisic i mental)....
... havent dit aixo, però, ja va sent hora que intento transmetre alguna cosa de la cuina catalana pels lectors "internacionals". Per tant, aquest any intentaré posar algunes receptes o explicacions de temes foodie!
Let's get this straight before we start - I ain't no foodie. I do like to buy good quality food, if possible locally produced, and from small locally-run shops but it's more of a question of health (physical and mental) than because I have some major cooking plan in mind. I love eating great food cooked by somebody else, and I love going to all the different Catalan outdoor eating feasts, but I also love cheese sandwiches, crisps, and beans on toast. And if I'm cooking, that's probably what you're going to get!You may already have guessed this as I've blogged for 5 years now without talking about food. It's just not a big thing with me - much to my wife's annoyance when she turns out delicious things every day which I gobble up with the same enthusiasm as the chips and eggs I cook when it's my turn...
Having said that, I've decided it's about time I tried to pass on to my "international readers" the thrill and pleasure Catalan cooking does offer, so this year may feature a few culinary delights on the blog - watch this space!

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