Ja s'han acabat les votacions i podem dir per fi quin ha sigut el Disc del 2012 per Tannu Tuva. Redoblamenet de tambors..... s'obre el sobre i surt el nom .... One Day I'm Going To Soar pels Dexys (abans conegut com a Dexys Midnight Runners). Original, a no pugui més, quines veus, quins instruments, i quin humor, una retornada d'aquelles que fan historia. Despres de 20000 anys sense saber res de Kevin Rowland, que tregui aixo de la maniga ens deixa sense paraules.
Per la cançó us deixem aquesta "conversa" que ens recorda als grans duets de Meatloaf, salvant les distancies!
So, the votes are in and counted. We can finally announce Tannu Tuva's 2012 LP of the Year - drum roll, ..... opening the envelope .... it's - One Day I'm Going To Soar by Dexys (formerly known as Dexys Midnight runners). A classic pop-soul album, but amazingly original at the same time. Great voices, great instruments, and a great sense of humour! What a comeback! Years and years without hearing anything from Kevin Rowland, and he comes back with this!
For today's song, what about this beauty which somehow reminds me of those duets Meatloaf used to amaze us with.
Whew. That's some song!
ResponEliminaI know!! Powerful is not the word!
ResponEliminamai m'hagués imaginat veure a aquest home, com un dandy. Bon tema :)
ResponEliminaThanks! i "per colmo" (en català?), aquest LP, ho ha gravat amb el Mick Talbot, el que feia Style Council amb Paul Weller ... quins "look"s !!