De vegades comento alguna diferencia "socio-cultural" entre lo que veig a Anglaterra i aquí a Catalunya. Pos, aquí un de ben estrany ... cada dia quan sortim al carrer a Anglaterra trobem monedes pel carrer (normalment de poc valor, entre 1 i 20 peniques, però tot suma). A Tortosa (Catalunya), no.
Existeix la teoria que aquestes monedes tenen tan poc valor (entre 1,5 i 25 centims) que a la gent anglesa li fa mandra acotxar per a agafar-les, però jo crec que deu haver una altre motiu. Crec que és que són funcionaris del govern que surten de nit, com una mena de fada, deixent petits regals pels carrers, per qui tingui la sort de trobar-les el mati següent. Ja se sap, qui matina ....
From time to time (every blue moon), I try and comment on a social difference my keen eye has observed between Catalan and English lifestyles - well , today's one of those days. Every day when we go out in England, we find coins on the pavements, carparks, shop floors ... but very very rarely does this happen here in Tortosa (Catalunya). What's the difference? Some people say it's because the English are too lazy to bend over to pick up a mere coin (even when it's worth as much as 20p). I have a different theory, though. I think the government has a special team of workers (a kind of tooth fairy if you like) who come out at night and leave coins in public places for the fortunate ones to find them the following day. As they say, the early bird ....
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