El dissabte passat Manel Fuentes i la Vella Dixieland van fer un concert "tribut" a Bruce Springsteen a Tortosa. Quina nit! Dominava el rock, of course, però amb algun toquet de jazz i sobretot sonaven molts instruments de vent. Fuentes és tot un showman, i un crak imitant a Bruce i la seva veu. En fi, una nit per a recordar, on va tocar sense parar ni un minut 2 hores dels hits i no tan hits del The Boss.
L'unica pega, per a mi, són els horaris. Ja estava anunciat per a les 23.30, cosa que per mi no té sentit. Era un concert per guadir en familia, gratis, al mig del parc de Tortosa i no entenc aquesta obsessió per fer les coses com més tard, millor. No hagues passat res per fer-ho a les 23.00 o 22.30.
Direu, és que ets anglès, però el fet és que els 4 amics tortosins en qui ho vaig comentar també ho troben un disparat. No cal que per a xalar, hem de passar de mitjanit abans de començar els actes! Per més inri, evidentment no va començar a l'hora anunciada sino mig hora, o més, tard. Aixo entenc encara menys. No és tan complicat fer les coses bé.
Però, tornant a lo positiu, quin concert! Com que no tinc bones gravacions de Fuentes i la Vella Dixieland, pero, us passo aquest video impressionant de Bruce amb Brian Fallon del Gaslight Anthem cantant No Surrender.
Last Saturday, Catalan radio presenter and general "show-man" Manel Fuentes performed his tribute show to Bruce Springsteen in Tortosa with the backing of the incredible Catalan trad jazz band, La Vella Dixieland. What a show!!
Late night (too late in fact) under the trees of the park, with a cool beer at hand, and kids learning their music history, we really enjoyed it - and free!
Afraid I haven't found any good quality recordings of them yet, though, so we'll have to make do with the original. But, what an original! Here's The Boss with Brian Fallon (singer of Gaslight Anthem) singing an amazing version of No Surrender!
Gadding about and having fun with cans of beer at hand! Shouldn't you be preparing more engaging lessons for your students instead? Typical teacher - only thinking of yourself!
ResponEliminaBloody teachers, hanging is too good for 'em .....
ResponElimina(Half the audience were students, actually, all practising their listening skills, I'm sure - One, two, one two three four, ...)
The first Cutts is the deepest! Baby I know....
ResponEliminaI hope it didn't take 24 hours to come up with that pun!!
ResponEliminaSpeaking of surnames, still remember my first day over here teaching English and arguing with the school director - he insisted my surname should be pronounced Cats, and I politely tried to point out that generations of Yorkshire Cutts going all the way back to the 4th Century BC had always pronounced a "u" as a "u"....