Avui toca escriure un update pels milers de seguidors
no-catalans (i per les desenes de milers de catalans) que segueixen el blog. Res de nou pels que mireu les telenoticies o llegiu aquest blog, amb l’unica novetat que dono la meva
opinió; que s’està tardant massa.
No cal tant de debat de les consequencies del “dia despres” etc, sino fer-ho. Cada revolució té el seu moment i s’ha d’agafar al vol. De totes formes, estic molt sorpres del fet que només aquest any han creat la assemblea de experts que han d’estudiar i informar sobre tot el process. Aixo s’hauria d’haver fet fa anys i guardat en un calaix. Els governs han d’estar preparats per qualsevol eventualitat possible, i aquest moment ja es veia venir des del dia que van començar a escriure l’estatut fa 10 anys !
No cal tant de debat de les consequencies del “dia despres” etc, sino fer-ho. Cada revolució té el seu moment i s’ha d’agafar al vol. De totes formes, estic molt sorpres del fet que només aquest any han creat la assemblea de experts que han d’estudiar i informar sobre tot el process. Aixo s’hauria d’haver fet fa anys i guardat en un calaix. Els governs han d’estar preparats per qualsevol eventualitat possible, i aquest moment ja es veia venir des del dia que van començar a escriure l’estatut fa 10 anys !
So, it’s the so-called monthly (ha ha!) update on Catalan
affairs you have all been waiting for. If you want to know what I’m talking about, look at
previous posts on Catalonia because it’s too darned hot to start again from
scratch ...
... OK, read as much as you want? So
everybody’s with us so far? After centuries of ups and downs, it seems like
Catalans have finally decided that the union with the rest of Spain is a
dead-end and they want out. This has become more and more noticeable during the
25 years I’ve been here, and really hit the big world out there last 11th
September when one and a half million people (of a population of 7 million) hit
the streets of Catalonia demanding independence. The Catalan President took
them at their word and called snap (well, 2 months later) elections. Parties on
a clear “we will hold a referendum” ticket won a clear majority and though the
vote was divided amongst a mixed bag of different parties (the wonders of
Proportional Representation), it seems that about 70-75% of MPs would be in
favour of holding a referendum. Recent opinion polls show this would increase
if elections were repeated. Plus polls indicate that 75% or more of Catalans
believe a referendum should be held. About 55% have said they would vote for
independence in said referendum, with around 25% voting no, and the rest “undecided”
or “not bothered”.
Anyway, 7
months have gone by since the elections. The government has set up an amazing
amount of workgroups and committees to discuss independence, and more urgently
the referendum. Most political parties, trade unions, and more importantly,
citizen groups are on board. The fact is it was a voluntary citizen group which
organised the September march and is leading the way while the politicians
sometimes stall. In my opinion, a lot of talking and deciding but very little
action. The govt insists it’s all a matter of timing and they are on course to
hold a referendum in 2014 as promised, but I’ve a sneaky feeling other
revolutions were not talked about so much. Did they talk for 2 years about the
consquences of pulling down the Berlin Wall? Let’s just do it, folks!
Oh, by the
way, the Spanish govt refuses to allow any referendum and says it will do
everything in its power to prevent it – with many right-wing newspapers,
think-tanks, army generals, and even MPs saying this does of course include the
use of force ....
On a brighter note, here's a totally unconnected song:
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