dissabte, 21 de desembre del 2013

3 Christmas songs

Ja ho he dit més d'una vegada - m'encanta nadal (m'encanta qualsevol festa), i m'encanten les cançons de nadal. És una tradició molt britanic, o anglosaxo, aixo de fer cançons de nadal de l'estil pop, jazz, soul, country, metal, punk .... i veig que els catalans també estan començant a fer-ho cada cop més. Les cançons de nadal, molt lligats a un determinat moment en la vida sempre porten records. Durant els 4 anys del blog he penjant una vintena d'exemples, i avui faré una cosa que normalment no faig - repetir cançons.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - I love Christmas (and anything else you can celebrate) and I love Christmas songs - traditional ones of course, but now I'm thinking pop music, soul, country, rock, punk, all those Christmas songs that any artist worth their salt brings out at this time of year. Christmas songs are obviously closely connected in your mind to a certain moment in your life, and in this way they usually evoke memories in a way that "normal" songs perhaps don't.  I've posted over 20 of my faves during this blog's lifetime, and today I'll do something I vowed (almost) never to do - repeat songs.
1. Slade - Merry Christmas Everybody
Aquesta em recorda les nits de nadal quan anavem al pub amb els amics de l'institut als principis del 80. Quan encara no tenies l'edad legal i el més gran de la colla havia de comprar les begudes. Ballant i saltant i cridant com un boig tan aviat comença aquesta joia. Buscant el famos "christmas kiss" d'alguna noia de classe en qui mai més tindries la valentia de parlar.
This one reminds me of the nights in Hoyland pubs in the early 80s, as underage drinkers with my comprehensive school mates - oldest-looking one getting the drinks in - screaming and jumping about like mad folk as soon as this song kicked in - trying to sneak a "Christmas kiss" with a girl from school who you'd probably never be brave enough to talk to again.

2. Fairytale of New York - Kirsty MacColl and the Pogues
Aquesta potser la millor cançó de nadal mai gravada. Té de tot.
Maybe the best Christmas song ever - it has everything - judge for yourselves.

3. Silver Bells - Jim Reeves
Aquesta em recorda quan era molt però molt jove, és dels primers records que tinc, veure el LP de cançons de nadal de mons pares - un disc de vinil en una tapa que obries i formava un escenari de nadal en relleu. Vam passar hores jugant amb això i posant aquest disc.

This is one of my earliest memories, Christmas-time or any-time, mum and dad's Christmas LP, a pop-up Christmas scene within the album cover, playing with the scene over and over, putting the record on the old record player - I've not got much of a memory, but this image seems like yesterday ....

So, just three songs - but if you are one of those people who doesn't have an extense knowledge of Christmas songs (you'd be surprised but these people exist) don't hestitate to check out my other posts!

9 comentaris:

  1. I can't understand all these cleverdick Scrooge types who poo-poo Christmas as if it were somehow beneath them. Like you, I have always loved Christmas. A special time. One of my favourite Christmas songs is the little known Catalan carol "Brian and Silvia" with its rousing chorus, translated thus...
    Oh I'd rather be in Patagonia
    Than here in Catalonia
    At Christmas time
    So down the Tetley's
    Crack the nuts
    And for nice gravy
    Boil the turkey's guts
    For Christ is born in Bethlehem

    1. If I can find it on Youtube, I'll post it.
      I agree -I'm always amazed at those who moan and groan and don't want to celebrate Christmas as "it's all about money". Well, it's only about money if you've got some, and decide to spend it. Just do what you want folks, but don't let a chance to celebrate, and remember, go by.
      Anyway, what's the problem with spending money - if you've got some - it's not as if you can take it with you (can you?) :)
      Happy Christmas!!

  2. I think I have heard The Pogues and Kirsty McColl played about a dozen times on the radio this Christmas ~ but had never heard it until last Christmas when a friend shared it. I love the traditional hymns and carols too at Christmas ~ deep in our musical DNA.

    1. It's a wonderful song, sang by amazing people - all the more emotional if you know the female singer's bio, she died in an accident a few years back.

    2. Forgot to add; I'm not a believer or a church goer, but I also love hymns and the whole traditional Christmas thing. This afternoon we are going to see a natvity scene acted out in a local village.

  3. Well, you've certainly a variety of music there Brian!

    Happy Christmas! To you and yours.

    1. Thanks. In fact I have a special Christmas Box with a dozen CDs of Christmas music (I still like to have my music on physical sources, not just floating around inside my computer - or in the clouds)!
      Happy Christmas! Presume you southerners sunbathe for Christmas?

  4. It's traditional to take the leftovers and head to the beach on Boxing day...

    1. Sounds good! I think I'll be eating leftovers till Boxing Day 2014 - scared to open the fridge actually, it's a bit like Doctor Who's tardis!
