Un altre tema, més que interessant! Quan jo era petit i viviem a Anglaterra, anavem a passar el dia a la platja alguns dies a l'estiu. Despres de banyar-nos, jugar, banyar-nos, jugar etc, just quan mons pares ens deien que era hora de marxar, ens tornavem a banyar per aixi marxar fresquets de la platja - amb una tovallola baix lo cul al cotxe.
Quan vaig començar a anar a la platja aqui a Catalunya amb la meva dona, em va dir que no es fa aixi. Despres de l'ultim bany, t'has d'estar un bon rato a la platja, al sol, eixugant-se, per poder treure la sorra de damunt amb facilitat i marxar amb el cul (i el que sigui) seci aixi no embrutes el cotxe. Sempre m'he queixat perque aixo implica passar calor i marxar acalorat quan tens la mar al costat per poder marxar la bé de fresquet.
No obstant això, l'altre dia vam coneixer algu "d'aqui" que també ho fa com ho feia jo abans. Conclusió: cada u fa el que vol, pero filosoficament ho miro com a la opció de pensar en la comoditat de la gent, o en la neteja del cotxe. Prefereixo lo primer (per aixo es van inventar les aspiradores!)
Last but not least in this trilogy of amazing reflections. When I was a lad, and it was time to leave the beach, we'd always have one last dip so as to leave the beach nice and cool - and then sit on a towel in the car. But, when I started going to the beach in Catalonia with my wife she told me that things were done differently. You have your last dip ages before you leave the beach, thus allowing you to dry off perfectly in the sun and brush all the dry sand off. And get in the car nice and clean. I've always moaned about this as it means leaving the beach all hot and bothered!
However, t'other week I met someone from here who said they do it like I'd do it.
To sum up; each to his own. And faced with the choice of my comfort and a sandy car, or my discomfort and a spotless car, I know what I'd go for. That's why they invented hoovers.
I loved the Beach Boys - so Californian and the harmonies were magical.
ResponEliminaQUOTE - "someone from here who said they do it like I'd do it" You mean like a thoroughbred horse?
That's for me to know and you to find out....