dimecres, 30 de juliol del 2014

Tortosa Renaissance Festival

Com cada any des de fa 19, hem tornat a celebrar la Festa del Reneixement a Tortosa. Aquí unes paraules en anglès i unes fotos que intenten captar una mica la grandesa d'aquesta festa.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but that's only true if you're a good photographer with a good camera, and not taking photos of moving people in the middle of the night... so, to try and give some kind of idea of how amazing the Tortosa Renaissance Festival (click) is, I'll throw in a few words before the dodgy photos.
Four days of non-stop activities, re-living the 16th century splendour of Tortosa. Mornings are more for browsing the oldie-worldie street markets and checking out some amazing buildings, old universities, convents, palaces and the like, while listening to street musicians or joining in with activities for the kids or investigating interesting exhibitions of 16th C documents and objects. Middays, with the sun high and 30º in the shade, are for resting. On an evening, time to dress up in home-made Renaissance-style clothing and hit the streets of the old part of town. About 20 groups of street theatre, acrobats, musicians, are found in every public square all night, or parading the streets. Thousands throng the streets, enjoying the vibes, checking out great food, drinking beer, dancing, singing, or going to more formal open-air theatre shows until the early hours ... 2am, 3am, you name it! Just like the old days!

2 comentaris:

  1. By the way, credit for the photo of the spinning Turkish dancer in flames is to the author of local newssite La Marfanta: http://lamarfanta.blogspot.com.es/

  2. I worry about putting dodgy photos up on my blog too Brian, but like you say, not all of us have good cameras. You have captured the essence of the Renaissance Festival and that is all that is important. And besides they act as a reminder for you. Thank you for sharing the photos with us.
