dijous, 31 de juliol del 2014

Bordo Sarkany at the Tortosa Renaissance Festival

Una de les coses que més m'agrada de la Festa del Reneixement, a banda dels 72 hores de desconectar totalment del segle 21 i la feina, i gaudir amb familia saludant la gent que no has vist en tot un any, i bevent cervesa i menjant pel carrer etc, és la possibilitat de veure grans musics pel carrer. Aquest any hem descobert aquest grup.
The Renaissance Festival in Tortosa is a great time - 72 hours disconnected from work and worries, just enjoying a grand time with family meeting all your friends out and about, eating and drinking, checking out all the activities - and for some, the "enjoyment" of staring at a telephone screen meanwhil to be able to inform other people what they are doing - but above all, for me, I love all the live music. This year we discovered this great group from Hungary. The videos are not from the Tortosa festival as I was too busy having a good time to get all my electronic devices out (as the actress said to the bishop)...

1 comentari:

  1. 72 hours disconnected from work and worries ~ love it!

    Would you call that Hungarian folk music?
