Aquesta peça s’ha gravat i “tocat” en concert en diversos ocasions. Fins i tot recordo haver-la vist en un jukebox!
Aquest any un parell d’amics van començar una campanya (en el Facebook, com no!) per a que la gent tornis a comprar aquest single aquest nadal, per així impedir un altre “Christmas Number One” endolcida de la programa Operació Triomf. Al principis de desembre alguns dels artistes més interessants al Regne Unit es van ajuntar per gravar la peça, entre els quals estava Billy Bragg, Pete Doherty, Suggs, Imogen Heap, Orbital, the Guillemots etc
Aquí es pot veure una presentació interessant del BBC sobre la peça i els seus orígens, i a continuació podem escoltar el 4, 33 sencer.
John Cage first composed and recorded “4 33” in 1953. Four and a half minutes where the musicians were instructed to remain silent. So, it’s 4 and a half minutes of silence then? Not exactly. What Cage was after was the “music” around, and inside, us ... and he pretty much acheived it. Here the BBC explain better than I can.
This year there has been a new recording made in the UK with the likes of Billy Bragg and Suggs taking part amongst many other artists. All proceeds go to charity, and the aim was to beat the Operation Triumph single to be this year’s Christmas Number One. Unfortunately they failed to get there, but it’s well worth a listen – and should have had more airplay.