dilluns, 24 de gener del 2011

Keep your hands to yourself

Hola. Entre vacances, feina, i un descans obligat per problemes informatics, que encara dura, el blog ha entrat al 2011 en una mena de "stand-by". A vore si poc a poc anem solucionant tot i tornem a agafar l'addició ... de moment aprofito un moment que podem estar on-line per calentar l'ambient amb una mica de good old fashioned Southern rock 'n' roll.
Keep your hands to yourself dels Georgia Satellites del seu primer LP, any 1986.
Due to holidays, work, and now computer hitches, the blog is currently on stand-by! Hopefully, we'll get our act together soon and once more will be able to "invest" hours and hours on our internet addiction. Meanwhile, making the most of being able to get online today, here's a bit of old-fashioned good old Southern R'n'R from the Georgia Satellites to chase away those winter blues.

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