Un bloc de Brian Cutts amb música, llibres i algun que altre comentari sobre les Terres de l’Ebre o l’actualitat ..... music, books and the odd comment on current affairs, or local news and events in southern Catalonia.
dijous, 30 de juny del 2011
Mercy mercy mercy
Jazz festival this week in Tortosa, for 18th year running - it looks and sounds like a great programme this year, as usual. To get us in the mood, Cannonball Adderley
dimecres, 29 de juny del 2011
Al diablo
Noticies fresques; la nostra impresora ha mort. 10 anys fent-nos costat i ara ho fotrem als contenidors de reciclatge al poligon. Ho reciclaran o acabar omplint un forat a la Ribera de l’Ebre. Tornem a parlar dels bous a les Terres de l’Ebre, oblidant de que ni a la Ribera ni a la Terra Alta se’n fan, ni al capital Tortosa tampoc. Referendum ja! L’indignació va en augment, i només un bon estiu ens ho farà oblidar. Comença a fer massa calor per a protestar, ni que sigui des del teclat. Sembla que hi ha dos móns o dos realitats entre natros i el sistema politic. No s’enten com s’estan atrevint a fer les coses que fan, sobretot en els serveis publics.
I disparat damunt de disparat, aquest cientific es fa creus amb els continus debats sobre la velocitat. Tots els mitjans plens de enquestes “creus que és una mesura eficaç, tal i qual ...?”. No cal cap enquesta perquè no és cap qüestió d’opinions. Són fets cientifics. Que parlen els experts i que es deixen de tonteries els politics i els tertulians. Si estalviem benzina, ajudem al mediambient, reduim els casos de astma, segur que algu que altre accident menys etc, pos, ja està clar. I si no és aixi, pos, també.
En fi, alguna cosa de música: 2 punts si ja coneixieu aquest grup, Los Dug Dugs (Mexicans, dels 60/70).
Odds and ends from local news. Our printer has died shortly before its 10th birthday. Bulls are once more in the public debate as many local villages have bull-related activities (to call it something printable) in their summer “festes”. Outraged folk continue protesting in and around Catalonia, and our Outrage is growing day by day thanks to the crazy neo-lib ideas of the Catalan government. Are they even living on the same planet as the rest of us mortals?
Spanish government reduced the national speed limit from 120 km/h to 110 a few months back. It has apparently saved a lot of petrol and money, reduced pollution and accidents, but since people like to drive real fast, this week it has been changed back to 120. Pedal to the metal!
Only the summer can save us!
Anyway, hands up who knows Los Dug Dugs, Mexican band from the 60/70s?
dilluns, 20 de juny del 2011
El cosi ebrenc de Homer
- No cal esperar, si vols anem aquí darrera, hi ha un lloc que podrem fumar i no ens trobaran.
- Però ...
- Tranqui, aquí no va ningu, que estan tots atemorizats - és el magatzen de l'urani.
- Però, no és perillos?
- Va, deixa't de tonteries i agafa la caixa dels Duffs ...
El CSN halla tabaco y colillas en el edificio de combustible de Ascó I
Cigarrette ends, and other junk found in the "Inflammable materials - Strictly prohibited" nuclear fuel store room at our local nuclear plant!! And no, it's not Springfield - it just feels like it!
Fukushima here we come!
dimarts, 14 de juny del 2011
Do you really want to hurt me?
Boy George is 50 today. Happy Birthday!
dilluns, 13 de juny del 2011
Nothing ever happens - Del Amitri
Post office clerks put up signs saying position closed
And secretaries turn off typewriters and put on their coats
Janitors padlock the gates, For security guards to patrol
And bachelors phone up their friends for a drink, While the married ones turn on a chat show
And they'll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow
Gentlemen time please, you know we can't serve anymore
Now the traffic lights change to stop, when there's nothing to go
And by 5 o'clock everything's dead, And every third car is a cab
And ignorant people sleep in their beds, Like the doped white mice in the college lab
Nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all
The needle returns to the start of the song, And we all sing along like before
And we'll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow
Telephone exchanges click while there's nobody there
The Martians could land in the carpark and no one would care
Close-circuit cameras in department stores shoot the same video every day
And the stars of these films neither die nor get killed. Just survive constant action replay
Bill hoardings advertise products that nobody needs
While angry from Manchester writes to complain about all the repeats on T.V.
And computer terminals report some gains, On the values of copper and tin
While American businessmen snap up Van Goghs for the price of a hospital ring
Nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all
They'll burn down the synagogues at 6 o'clock and we'll all go along like before
And we'll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow.
diumenge, 12 de juny del 2011
Stand and deliver
dissabte, 11 de juny del 2011
Metal Guru
divendres, 10 de juny del 2011
Meat is murder - The Smiths
dijous, 9 de juny del 2011
dimecres, 8 de juny del 2011
China Girl
dimarts, 7 de juny del 2011
divendres, 3 de juny del 2011
Jornada d'Escoles d'Hoquei Patins