dimarts, 26 d’agost del 2014

Anything goes - Ella Fitzgerald

And finally, imagine adding the amazing songs of Cole Porter to the voice of Ella Fitzgerald - pure magic! While other 18 year olds were looking out for Bruce Springsteen or U2, there I was looking for special offer on Ella Fitzgerald jazz cassettes!

dilluns, 11 d’agost del 2014

T'ain't nobody's business if I do - Bessie Smith

From Billie Holiday, someone (probably my brother) said you should try Bessie Smith. So, off to Barnsley library we went...

divendres, 8 d’agost del 2014

Summertime - Billie Holiday

A l'estiu el blog se calma una mica, i habitualment fem uns quants apunts pausats i tranquils sobre un tema o grup de musica en concret. Aquest any, també. 
Quan tenia 15 o 16 anys, era una esponja amb ganes de saber-ne tot sobre tot tipus de musica, i ves per on, vaig acabar descobrint a la Billie Holiday - basicament per l'historia d'ella. 
As usual the blog will slow down over the next few summer weeks, with a few mono-themed songs to keep the heat at bay (which doesn't necessarily mean I have gone on holiday and am not sitting behind the front door with a loaded shotgun, Mr. Burglar).
This year, jazz/blues singers. When I was about 15 I had a huge thirst for music knowledge. Raiding my parents' collection, local libraries, friends' LPs, studying music magazine, I wanted to know and to hear everything. So as friends were listening to the latest 1982 hit, for some reason - basically for her tragic history - I stumbled across Billie Holiday.

diumenge, 3 d’agost del 2014

Looking back, and onwards...

Interrumpim aquesta serie d'apunts interessants per posar una mica de publicitat - encara que més que publicitat, són més ganes de compartir en vatros la nostra satisfacció a la feina ben feta que hem aconseguit fer aquests anys gràcies a la confiança de la gent que ha volgut treballar en nosaltres.
En fi, potser heu vist a la columna de la dreta que tenim un altre blog on intentem posar apunts sobre temes de llengua o alguna feina que hem fet? Bé, ara hem fet una pausa de l'estiu per mirar cap enrere i resumir aquests ultims 3 o 4 anys. Si us interessa, clikeja aqui. Si no, pos, igualment vaig a posar un exemple a continuació - vam tenir l'oportunitat de posar l'anglès a aquesta joia d'espot promocional de Tortosa.
Interrupting this run of interesting blog posts with a cheap plug for our work! Seriously, more than publicity for our humble little company, I just fancied sharing with you our satisfaction with the variety of work we've managed to do over the last few years thanks to the amazing clients who've taken on our services.
Some of you may have noticed that over here on the left I link another blog - the one I run with my partner (and wife), speaking (far too rarely) about language issues or highlighting some of our work. Well, the latest post is a sort-of summary of all we've done over recent years. If you're interested, click here. If not, you're still getting one example below - we wrote the English subtitles for this brilliant promo video of Tortosa (where we live).