dimecres, 11 d’agost del 2010

The Beatles (3) - I should have known better

The Beatles van ser, i son, tan importants i famosos per un cúmul de motius. Potser van aparèixer just quan els jovens els necessitaven, farts del fredor i rigidesa dels anys 50, buscaven trencar barreres i rebel·lar-se. Però per ressaltar per damunt dels altres grups de moda, s’ajuntava les habilitats musicals (cada u sabia tocar diversos instruments i cantar), el fet de que tots 4 sabien compondre cançons molt bones, i (al principi) treballar en grup per millorar les aportacions de cada u. Això, juntament amb els 3 anys de practica que portaven i l’actitud i humor i ganes de xalar que tenien, pos, no podrien fracassar.
El 3er LP, A Hard Day’s Night, any 1964, va ser el primer de consistir només en cançons originals. Aquí tenim I Should Have Known Better , amb imatges de la pel·lícula A Hard Day’s Night.

Why did the Beatles become so famous and important? Various reasons were at play here. Maybe after the cold, strict 50s the youngsters of the 60s needed this group to appear. But whey them, and not another group? Above all the magic comes from four geniuses coming together, all great song writers and musicians – and even better when they worked together constantly improving each other’s ideas. Added to the three years apprenticeship and sense of humour we have already mentioned, and we had the perfect cocktail ready to take on the world. Bigger than Jesus?
Their third LP, A Hard Day’s Night came out in 1964. It was the first album to feature only songs written by the Beatles. Here’s I Should Have Known Better, with images from the film A Hard Day’s Night.

3 comentaris:

  1. Molt interessant aquesta historia que fas d'aquest grans "desconeguts".

  2. Great. Looking forward to the next installments.

  3. Gracies pels comentaris - reconec que no hi ha gaires novetats que explicar, pero ...
    Thanks. Although I realise there's not much new to say about the Fab Four, what would a "music" blog be without them ...
