Quan jo era petit i vivia a Barnsley, ja no ens quedava ni "vaqueros" ni "indis vermells", però si la música. A Anglaterra, i sobretot la zona del nort, i més concretament el cotxe de ma mare, sempre s'ha escoltat molta música country. Era tipic veure miners a la boira caminant per anar a treballar en un barret de Stetson i botes de pell.
En fi, la música que sents de petit és una musica que sempre t'acompanyarà. Avui, Glen Campbell amb By the time I get to Phoenix (Webb) de l'any 1967. I un video que val la pena!
Not many cowboys or red indians in South Yorkshire as I grew up, but we did have plenty of grown men, and women, wearing Stetsons and cowboy boots! And plenty of C&W music in the working men's clubs, pubs, car cassette players .... Anyway, the First Law of Music says that the music you hear as a kid, is the music that will always be with you.
So here's a great video of Glen Campbell singing By the time I get to Phoenix (Webb) back in '67.
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