Gracies a les meravelles de internet i alguns amics que saben molt, hem descobert un nou grup, de Leeds in Yorkshire. A la seva pagina, una bona barreja de musica, videos i bon rotllo, i tal com ells mateixos es descriuen són:
"In the tradition of the travelling bands, we guess we’re a bit like a Yorkshire E-Street Band...meets Arcade Fire...meets
The Faces…meets Dexys Midnight Runners…meets Prefab Sprout…at a an argument about who gets to have sex with David Bowie...."
... that's how Hope & Social describe themselves, a group from Leeds of all places, whom I've only just stumbled across thanks to a good (over)dose of internet and some friends in the know.
The party starts here:
Un bloc de Brian Cutts amb música, llibres i algun que altre comentari sobre les Terres de l’Ebre o l’actualitat ..... music, books and the odd comment on current affairs, or local news and events in southern Catalonia.
dissabte, 25 de maig del 2013
dimecres, 22 de maig del 2013
Relats a recer d'una guitarra - Tibau i Espinós #Tortosa
Autor Jesus Tibau contant alguns relats breus, acompanyats per la guitarra del music David Espinos, una petita alegria ebrenca - demà al URV.
Author Jesus Tibau will be reading some of his short tales set to the music of guitarist and composer David Espinos. Wonderful. If you're anywhere near Tortosa tomorrow, don't miss it!
divendres, 17 de maig del 2013
Mixed bag of some more of my fave #Eurovision winners
M'encantaria parlar de Eurovision tota la setmana, reflexionant, opinant, pero no tinc temps. O sigui, anem a repassar algunes guanyadors que recordo haver vist i que m'han agradat ...
..... I'd love to have the time to talk about Eurovision, but I don't. So here's my fave winners from my living memory (having already blogged 1974/75):
1. Brotherhood of Man - Save all your kisses for me (1976) UK Win!!
2. Izhar Cohen and Alphabeta - A ba ni bi (1978)- Israel
3. Gali Atari and Milk & Honey - Hallelujah (1979)- Israel
4. Bucks Fizz - Making your mind up (1981) - UK Win!!
The lost years - cool teenagers did not watch Eurovision back then! followed by a TV-free decade ....until ....
5. Dana International - Diva (1998) Israel (what is it with Israel?!)
6. Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah (2006) Finland
7. Loreen - Euphoria (2012) Sweden
7. Loreen - Euphoria (2012) Sweden
..... I'd love to have the time to talk about Eurovision, but I don't. So here's my fave winners from my living memory (having already blogged 1974/75):
1. Brotherhood of Man - Save all your kisses for me (1976) UK Win!!
2. Izhar Cohen and Alphabeta - A ba ni bi (1978)- Israel
3. Gali Atari and Milk & Honey - Hallelujah (1979)- Israel
4. Bucks Fizz - Making your mind up (1981) - UK Win!!
The lost years - cool teenagers did not watch Eurovision back then! followed by a TV-free decade ....until ....
5. Dana International - Diva (1998) Israel (what is it with Israel?!)
6. Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah (2006) Finland
7. Loreen - Euphoria (2012) Sweden
7. Loreen - Euphoria (2012) Sweden
a ba ni bi,
brotherhood of man,
bucks fizz,
dana international,
gali atari,
hard rock hallelujah,
izhar cohen,
making your mind up,
save all yourn kisses
dijous, 16 de maig del 2013
Ding a dong - Teach In #Eurovision_75
So, after the joy of seeing Abba in our first Eurovision, we watched eagerly the following year and saw this little beauty win:
dimecres, 15 de maig del 2013
Waterloo - Abba #Eurovision1974
Hi ha gent que té molta memoria - jo no. No sóc d'aquells que recorden que feien quan tenien 5 anys ... o 10 o 15 ja que hi estem. Ben just recordo lo que he dinat, però això son figues d'un altre paner.
Un dels primers records que si que tinc, però, i molt clar, es mirar l'Eurovision 1974 a casa dels meus tios, i vore Abba per primer cop. En una paraula, WOW!
I'm not one of those memory-types who can remember what they used to do when they were 5, 10, or even 15. I'm lucky, in fact, if can remember what I had for dinner yesterday. But, and it's a Big But, I can clearly remember at the tender age of 7 watching Eurovision 1974 and seeing Abba. In one word - WOW!!
dilluns, 13 de maig del 2013
Space Oddity - Commander Chris Hadfield #BestThingAllYear
Words would just destroy this - sit back, and enjoy yourselves ...
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