divendres, 5 de març del 2010

Hill Street Blues BSO - Mike Post

La banda sonora del programa dels 80, Hill Street Blues (crec que aquí és deia Cançó Trista del Hill Street). El compositor és Mike Post

From time to time, Fridays are kept clear for soundtracks and theme music - today's is the theme from Hill Street Blues, written by Mike Post.

4 comentaris:

  1. Hola.
    Una gran sèrie. Potser va ser de les primeres sèries, serioses (perdó pel joc de paraules) i intel·ligents.

  2. Yes! I loved this theme... even when I became tired of the series. Lovely to hear it again. Check out the theme for 'Between the Lines' - that's good too!

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-g5udhJV64

  4. Thanks, you're right, great theme tune.
    I must have missed this show (and the music) as the 90s is my "lost" period regarding Brit culture - my first decade here in Catalonia with very little TV, and no pc, I was a bit cut off from the BBC and other UK stuff. Still don't see that much but at least with digital tv and internet you can follow what's going on culturally around the world much more easily.
