dimecres, 13 de juliol del 2011

Duck Diving - Pulp

Desprès d’aquesta breve interrupció, acabem la serie del Pulp. L’ultim LP que van gravar va ser We Love Life , l’any 2003. Desprès van aturar les activitats del grup però no es van des-fer formalment. Jarvis Cocker ha anat fent col·laboracions en diversos músics, i ha fet de disc jockei – crec que fins i tot es poden trobar CDs amb la música seleccionada per ell. Al 2006 gravaria un LP, Jarvis, de que ja hem penjat alguna peça en el passat.
Al 2010 van anunciar per sorpresa que tornarien a tocar junts, i des de llavors han anat apareixent en diferents festivals, al maig a Barcelona per exemple, i ara a l’agost estaran a Leeds (Yorkshire)! Continuaran? Tornaran a gravar?
I una ultima cançó pel bloc – una cosa més rebuscada, i molt bonica ... i l’historia, aqui.

So, following that short interlude of summer fun and sun, it’s time to say the final word on the Pulp saga. Following their last LP, We love life, in 2003, they sort-of broke up (but not officially) and each went their different way. The lead singer Jarvis Cocker would spend the next few years working as a DJ, collaborating on many other musical projects, and bringing out his own LP Jarvis in 2006.
Then, surprise surprise, in 2010 they announced a series of concerts, mainly one-offs and festivals – for example, Barcelona back in May, and Leeds next month.
Will they stay together? A new LP?
And to finish off, a real rarity, a piece of beauty based on a
short story by written Philippa Pearce in 1964.

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