dimarts, 19 de juliol del 2011

Feynman on trees and fire, and Tannu Tuva

A vegades val la pena escoltar a algú que sap de que parla. Richard Feynman no era només un geni, sino un dels millors comunicadors que ha tingut el món de la ciencia.

I quan hem acabat, que tal una mica més de música de Tannu Tuva?


Sometimes, it's worth dropping everything and listening to someone who actually knows what they are talking about. The late great Richard Fenyman, not just a genius, but a genius who knew how to communicate like few others.

Got here thanks to our Antipodes - the internet never fails to amaze me , wonder what Feynman would have made of it ...

And, why not, a bit more throat singing from Tannu Tuva.

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