Continuant amb un dels nostres objectius de l’estiu
– sentir bona música en família. No és fàcil trobar actuacions que ens agraden
i que siguen en horari relativament “family-friendly”, amb dos xiquets de 7 i 8
anys, i que siguen en llocs xulos i còmodes (res d’estar embotit en un bar). Però
ja hem tingut una altra alegria. La setmana passada vam vore el concert de
jazz, i aquest divendres passat vam poder vore, per fi, Albert i La Banda dels13 en directe. Va ser a l’antigua estació de Benifallet, ara convertit en un
bar-restaurant-hostal al mig del bosc, tocant la Via Verda, i sovint de nit a l’estiu
fan una mica de música a l’aire lliure en una terrassa la mar de xula. Dic “per
fi” perquè fa temps que intentàvem coincidir en la banda, i ja ho hem
aconseguit! I ha valgut la pena – el lloc mereix un 10, i la música i els
musics també. Una bona barreja de pop, soul, rock n roll, i bon humor! Ideal per qualsevol festa! Aquest divendres va ser la versió acústica del grup, tal com
actuen en aquest clip que hem trobat.
One of our
summer objectives (for UK readers; summer means sun, heat, and plenty of
outdoor activities!) is seeing some decent music with the kids. In summer there
are many outdoor shows, festivals, and concerts, and now the kids are growing
up – 7 and 8 years-old –it’s time we got out and enjoyed ourselves together as
a family. Two weeks ago was jazz week. And last week, a beautiful outdoor
midnight performance by Albert i la Banda dels 13. An old disused railway line,
through the forest and mountains, has been converted into a cycle and walk-way
and some of the old stations, into bars-hostels-restaurants. Such as this one
at Benifallet. So miles away from civilization, we lounged back under cooling
breeze through the pine trees, beer in hand, to hear this amazing midnight
concert .....
sounds great - wishing we had a summer and laid back sounding evenings like the ones you've been having - instead, I'm stuck indoors or behind a bar serving a succession of drunks that are arriving via a very "active" train line - all accompanied by my mate's taste in 80s pop music!!
ResponEliminaYep, summer, and especially summer nights are a Big Thing over here. After 35º temperatures in the day, it's at night when you've got the energu to get out (to a bar!!). Today we're going out with our 6 and 8 year old kids, at midnight to see some of Tortosa's Renaissance Festival. Not a time you'd want to be on the streets of Barnsley, whether summer or not!
ResponEliminaNot all fun though, I've skipped the bit about having to work all morning snif snif.... I may be the last person to have a job in Catalonia/Spain if I can hold on a bit longer ;)
Thanks for the post!