divendres, 27 de juliol del 2012

Stay with me - The Faces #Franco_a_Tortosa_encara

Ara m'he adonat que, amb tants altres rotllos al cap, ja han passat 7 mesos de l'any i encara no he dit res sobre el monument de Franco que tenim a Tortosa. Imperdonable! En fi, poca cosa nova puc afegir als meus arguments, els quals he expressat diverses vegades aqui al bloc (fem clik); només m'augmenta la sopresa en veure que any rere any, ningu (dels que poden) mou fitxa per eliminar aquesta vergonya. Si algu encara pensa que Franco no va ser tan "dur" com altres dictadors, recomanem aquest llibre.
Sembla que de moment, Franco es queda entre natros (mentre a Madrid els alemans han vingut per retirar les seves vergonyes).
Wow, just realised that we're already half-way through the year and I still haven't said anything about Franco's monument which is still in place, 37 years after his death! 37 years of democracy and we still have to suffer the shame of a monument to this dictator and the suffering and hardship he imposed on Catalonia and Spain. I have little to add to my earlier posts in the subject, which can be read by clicking here. And if anyone still doubts what Franco meant, I recommend reading this book.
So, while the German govt. eliminates Fascist symbols in Madrid, who's gonna come here to help us regain our dignity ----

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