Hi ha moltes coses que no entenc. Bé, és una manera de parlar, ja que normalment si que els entenc, però no voldria .... en fi, entre tot el que no entenc, oblidem de lo gros i anem als detalls que veig cada dia de la vida en els meus viatges cap a la feina i escola.
OK, gent que aparca els seus cotxes malament mentre porten els xiquets a l’escola. No veuen que, encara que ells pensen que « només són 2 minuts », realment si ocupes els passos de vianants i les voreres, estàs posant en perill els altres xiquets que també volen arribar a l’escola. Tampoc entenc com la policia no fa res. La tolerància està molt bé sempre que no es converteix en un perill pels demés, que hem aparcat a 4 minuts de l’escola per no molestar. Gggrr!!
Per creuar la via
del tren, (per exemple d’anar al meu barri fins l’escola) tenim una passarel·la
que costa 3 minuts en creuar. Si, és un pal. Però la mateixa gent que m’estan
insistint que he de pagar per anar a un gimnàs, són els que no usen el pont i
passen pels forats de les tanques per creuar la via a peu. Ja sé que no hi ha
gaire perill a Tortosa, ja que arriben 3 trens i mig, però trobo que és un mal
exemple pels petits, i una oportunitat perduda de estirar les cames. Gggrrr!
Separant els
barri de la Raval i la zona d’esports detras dels centres comercials, hi ha la
via del tren i un canal. També hi ha una passarel·la per passar-los. L’ajuntament,
amb els NOSTRES diners, ha posat tanques molt noves i boniques per evitar que
la gent pugui creuar per baix o arribar fins el canal. Pos, la gent els
trenquen, i la ajuntament torna a posar-les – amb els NOSTRES diners. Total,
alguns que usen aquest camí ràpid, igualment van a fer esport! Ggrrr!!
Per que alguna
gent deixa que els seus gossos facin les seves necessitats a les voreres, al
voltant de l’escola, i no ho netejen, ni l’ajuntament fa res? Gggrrrr!
Uf, aquí s’acaba
el sermó!
Things that bug
me. Well, actually many things bug me, but today we’re gonna forget the Big
Picture and look at those little details I see every day on my way to work or
the school run which never fail to bemuse, bewilder, or even bug, me.
Those folks who
park there cars illegally while dropping kids off. Yeah, “it’s only two minutes”,
but those two minutes you’re spending blocking the pavement or zebra crossing
are the two minutes which put the other kids at risk. Kids who have parked
maybe in the mega-big car park just a 4-minute walk away. And the police say or
do nothing. Aaagghh!
The railway
separates my part of town to the neighbourhood with our school and my work-place,
but luckily there is a footbridge which takes 3 minutes to cross. What I don’t
get are the folk who always insist to me on the importance of going (paying) to
a gym and doing sport, but sneak through gaps in the fences and cross the lines
directly to save their weary legs a full 3-minute walk. Mmmmm!
A bit further
down town, the railway, and a canal, separate one neighbourhood from the area
with sports installations and commercial centres. Again, there’s a footbridge.
The local council, with OUR money, have put up some cool new fences to stop
people crossing the lines or getting down to the canal. Well, now folk rip the
fences down to cross the lines, saving the 3-minute marathon (very often on
their way to do sport). And the council spend more or MY money to fix it and
.... Aaarrgghh!
Dog-owners who
let their dogs “do their business” on the pavements, especially around the
school, and don’t clean it up. Snif.
And here endeth
the rant.
I love a good rnt - it's what blogging was made for - hope you feel a little bit better - as they say "a problem shared is a problem halved" - which of course we all know to be rubbish, but it's kinda cathartic to vent your spleen sometimes.
ResponEliminaFirst single I went into a record shop and bought for myself was Squeeze - Cool For Cats on pink 7" vinyl. The album "Singles 45's and under" has long been one of my top albums.
Me too, I love Squeeze - andhave kinda given up on my original aim of always linking the song to the post, this day I just happened to be listening to them as I ranted and raved. I'm glad you agree ranting has a place in society, wouldn't want to be accused of being an Angry Old Bloke, though! More than angry, I suppose human nature never fails to surprise me, would be a more politically correct take on my views ;)