dimecres, 17 d’agost del 2011

Mr Blue Sky - Sweet Talkin' Woman - ELO

Com tots els grups, arriba un moment del “no va més”, i als ELO els arribaria amb Out Of The Blue, any 1977, un LP doble, amb concerts massius plens d’efectes especials i excessius ... justament en plena època punk on el ELO ja es distanciarien dels “entesos” en música. Com els ABBA, fer música pop massa perfecte no estava ben vist pels experts – però si pels consumidors!
Qui no té Out Of The Blue a casa? Bé, si hi ha algú que no ho té, pos, avui dos cançons: Mr Blue Sky (of course!) i Sweet Talkin’ Woman.


As with all groups, the bigger you get, the bigger you want to be. In 1977, ELO ignored punk and young people, to stick with perfect pop classics, on a double album and huge expensive concerts with loads of special effects. The result - even more success! Just like ABBA, maybe music critics didn't like it, but the paying public just lapped it up!

Who does not have this LP at home?! Difficult to choose two tracks, but I'll post the most popular ones today, Mr Blue Sky and Sweet Talkin' Woman.

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