divendres, 26 d’agost del 2011

Yours Truly 2095 - ELO

A l’any 1981 arriba el primer LP d’ells que vaig comprar. De fet un dels primers LPs de qualsevol grup que vaig comprar. Time. Sonaven menys les cordes i entraven timidament en l’electronica. La gran pregunta és com el Jeff Lynne va poder, o ha pogut, dominar l'arte de la musica pop, passant per les cordes de l'orquestra, el rock, l'electronica, peces elaborades de 10 minuts, joies de 3 minuts, tocant qualsevol instrument i produient els discos ...? Quin geni!

Aquest LP potser no va tenir l’èxit dels anteriors, ja que els temps havien canviat, i la joventut estavem per altres coses, però m’encanta. Ticket to the Moon, 21st Century Man, Twilight ....ja han estat al bloc, ja que aquest LP evidentment em porta bons records. Pos, una altra peça: Yours Truly 2095


By 1981 I was earning enough from the paper round to actually buy records, and this was one of the first. Maybe there are less strings on it, and maybe they were moving into electronic instruments to try and keep up with other groups, but it's still a classic - for me! Jeff Lynne showed once more he could do anything he put himself to - a 10 minute orchestral arrangement, no problem. A 3-minute pop hit. Rock, disco, electronics ... producer ... multi-instrumentalist ... a genius! Having already posted 3 tracks from this album (Ticket to the moon, 21st century man, twilight - check them out!), here's a 4th.

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