dissabte, 29 d’octubre del 2011

Werewolves of London, from Tannu Tuva Halloween Mix.

Una altra cançó que sona per aquest època de l'any, Werewolves of London. També està en la recopilació que podeu descarregar aqui.

Track listing for my Halloween collection which you can download here.

1. The Monster Mash - Bobby Picket and the crypt-kickers (1)

2. Wolfman (3)

3. Bad Moon Rising - Creedance ... (4)

4. Purple people eater - Sheb Wooley (5)

5. Ghostbusters theme - Ray Parker Jr (7)
6. Evil Woman _ELO (8)

7. Witch doctor - Dave Saville (10)

8. Devil comes back to Georgia - Johnny Cash and co. (11)

9. Spooky Scary Skeleton (13)

10. Somebody's watching me - Rockwell (14)

11. Doctor Who theme (15)

12. Munsters theme.(17)

13. I put a spell on you - Howling wolf (18)

14. Black Magic Woman - Santana (19)

15. Adams Family theme. (21)
16. Ghostriders in the sky (22)

17. Time warp - from the Rocky Horror Picture Show (24)

18. Shake your bones (25)

19. Werewolves of London - Warron Zevon (26)

20. People are strange - The Doors (27)

21. Thriller - Michael Jackson (29)

22. Bat out of hell - Meatloaf (30)

(com que hi ha efectes especials barrejats amb la musica, encara que només son 22 cançons, hi ha 30 pistes i el numero en parentesis representa on trobar-les)

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