Un bloc de Brian Cutts amb música, llibres i algun que altre comentari sobre les Terres de l’Ebre o l’actualitat ..... music, books and the odd comment on current affairs, or local news and events in southern Catalonia.
dilluns, 21 de novembre del 2011
Walking on sunshine
Escric això abans de saber els resultats de les eleccions, però la veritat és que a aquestes altures de la pel·lícula ben poc m'interessen ... ja sabem tots com ha de ser el futur de l'estat espanyol, vist les experiencies dels ultims 15 dies, i si a Catalunya no li deixen baixar, pos, també ens enfonsarem amb ells.
Però, jo, sempre positiu :) Avui algunes coses, i algunes persones reiniciem :)
After a long and drawn-out period off work for health reasons (nothing too serious), it's re-start time. So, ignoring the political and economic mess we're in, let's try and be positive folks :)
diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011
Every day is like Sunday - Morrissey

Aquesta cançó no l'havia escoltada des de l'any 1988. Basicament perque és una cançó que només té sentit per un adolescent, i que viu a Anglaterra. Quan Morrissey canta "cada dia és com diumenge", a Anglaterra, i especialment en el tipus de poble que el coneixia, està cantant d'una situació molt depriment, on res canvia i no hi ha res a fer. Un diumenge qualsevol, per un jove anglès en aquella època podria ser etern, un avorriment etern. Morrissey demana que li llancen una bomba atomica damunt!
Com podeu imaginar, aquest concepte, de que els diumenges son els dies pitjors, aqui a Catalunya no té gaire sentit.
Però, l'altre dia un amic em va fer recordar la cançó i crec que pot ser apte per avui, i demà, i passat-demà ....
So, elections today in Spain. Doesn't look good. Whoever wins is promising more and more cutbacks and I imagine it's only a matter of days before Angela Merkel comes-a-calling! No one has a magic solution but presumably the people will think "a change is as good as a rest", kick out the left-wing (no!!, lost the dictionary) Socialists and install the right-wing PP. Whoever wins, don't look great for Catalunya either as both major parties in Spain are insinuating cutting back on Catalan rights and freedoms. Hopefully, the Catalans themselves will vote for a pro-Catalan party, but it's still a small voice when they go to Madrid.
In a nutshell, Spain is heading for grey, if not black, days and there's no sun on the horizon, which subtly reminded me of this song which I had not listened to since I left England many years ago, as here the concept of Sundays being miserable and grey and boring, well, doesn't apply. Till now.
dissabte, 19 de novembre del 2011
The revolution will not be televised / They shall not pass

So, forgetting the Top 40, it looks like we'll have to stick with the usual singer-songwriters to give us some clues about the state of the world. Here's a new one that Billy Bragg himself endorses - Grace Petrie. Two songs today, The revolution will not be televised, and They Shall Not Pass - in homage to those who fought for liberty, and democracy, in Spain and Catalunya. Well-timed, as tomorrow is the anniversary of Franco's death - he died 36 years ago, although Tortosa's council seem not to have realised with their insistence on maintaining his monument in place!!
divendres, 18 de novembre del 2011
No banker left behind - Ry Cooder

So, as I've been saying, there was a time when "social message" and "Top 40" could be found in the same hit song. Pet Shop Boys, Simply Red, Depeche Mode, Style Council and so on, all managed to write top 10 hits with some kind of "message". And today? Have a look at the Top 40, and there is nothing. Luckily the "usual suspects", the old classic protesters still churn out the goods but it's not what I've been looking for. Bruce, Neil Young, Billy Bragg, Ry Cooder, all still there - here's Ry, with No Banker Left Behind!
dimarts, 15 de novembre del 2011
Shipbuilding - Robert Wyatt
De cançons protesta, hi han hagut moltes, i molts de cantants encara estan en natros avui en dia. Als 30, 40, per exemple, teniem a Woody Guthrie i Pete Seeger. Als 60, alguns dels grans, Phil Ochs, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, pero fins i tot els artistes més populars, lo que deia l'altre dia els del "mainstream" - The Beatles, The Rolling Stones - tothom tenia alguna peça per afegir a la llista de cançons amb missatge politic, o cançons contra la guerra, o simplement protestant per qualsevol injustica al mon. I ara que?
Durant la guerra de les Malvines, al 1982, Elvis Costello i Clive Langer van escriure aquesta peça classica, Shipbuilding. La guerra va ser un impuls important per les ciutats britaniques que vivien de l'industria de la construcció de vaixells de guerra. Aquestes ciutats estaven en crisi, amb molt d'atur, i la guerra va representar una esperança de tornar a tenir diners i menjar damunt la taula. Però, les lletres deixen molt clar la pregunta, si val la pena tenir diners a costa de la perdua de vides humanes. Tornaran a haver-n'hi diners al poble, però també tornariem els atauds amb els jovens morts a la guerra. Is it worth it?
La primera versió de la cançó la va gravar Robert Wyatt.
Ok, so many of the protest singers are still doing the rounds, and we can always rely on Bruce Springsteen or Neil Young to come up with the goods, but where are the mainstream teenage orientated bands? Back in the 60s, the two biggest bands out, The Beatles and The Stones, still found time to send out the occasional angry message.
Here's another classic protest song, a real tear-jerker. The Falklands War meant re-opening ship-yards in dying industrial towns of the UK, and as such it meant money and food on the table for many families who were out of work and with few prospects. But, not only would money be coming home, but also the coffins of the young soldiers dying in a useless war. Is it worth it?
Written by Elvis Costello and Clive Langer, they offered it to Robert Wyatt to record first.
Listen and enjoy this work of art.
dilluns, 14 de novembre del 2011
Ohio - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
A l'any 1970, els estudiants de l'universitat d'Ohio estaven protestant contra la invasió de Camboia dels EEUU com part de la guerra que lluitaven al Vietnam. Els estudiants no anavem armats. La Guardia Nacional els va obrir foc, matant 4. No se sap si Felip Puig estava allì ...
... pero els grans Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young van escriure aquesta cançó. Ohio.
Ohio, written by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, after the USA National Guard opened fire on a peaceful student demonstration at Ohio University in 1970. The students were protesting the extension of the Vietnam war into Cambodia. Four were killed.
diumenge, 13 de novembre del 2011
No to clause 28 - Boy George
Aquesta cançó de protesta neixia d'un assumpte molt concret. Als anys 80, molts ajuntaments liderats per laboristes de l'ala més a l'esquerra publicaven o promocionaven material escolar on s'explicava que l'homosexualitat era una cosa "normal", i donava la mateixa importancia a families composades per homosexuals com a les families "tradicionales". Evidentment, davant d'aquest "escandol, el govern de Thatcher va fer alguna cosa. A una de les lleis sobe governació local, van introduir la famosa esmena 28 (clause 28) que prohibia la promoció de "comportaments homosexuals" o la representació com si fos una cosa normal, en material escolar.
Moltes artistes van fer campanya en contra d'aquesta esmena, la cançó més famosa potser és aquesta, No to Clause 28 del Boy George. Per si no queda prou clar al video, estem parlant dels anys 80!
This protest song refers to a specific issue. In the 80s, UK local labour councils, or at least the "radical" ones, had a tendency to publish school material depicting homosexuals as "normal" people (shock, horror!!), and homosexual-parent families as being equal to "traditional" families (what?!). Faced with this major scandal and the possibilities of millions of children being brainwashed to become homosexuals, the Thatcher government had a brainwave and introduced clause 28 as an amendment to one of the local government regulations.
Quoting Wikipedia: The amendment stated that a local authority "shall not intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality" or "promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship".
So, as you can imagine, many artists were up in arms and produced songs, documentaries, writings in protest. Here's Boy George's contribution - No to clause 28.
dissabte, 12 de novembre del 2011
I ain't a-marching anymore - Phil Ochs
No podem negar que estem vivint temps dificils, temps en que molta gent té motius per estar emprenyats, indignats, amb el sistema, amb els governants, amb els bancs .... i sembla que no sabem com sortir-ne! Però, la meva pregunta és; quines cançons pop-rock reflecteixen aquests sentiments? On estan les cançons de protesta del segle 21?
Des de sempre, i avui en dia, els cantautors han escrit cançons de protesta - contra la guerra, la violencia, el capitalisme, la desigualtat, el racisme, i infinitat de situacions concretes. Suposo que avui en dia també les fan, però a diferencia de altres epoques trobo a faltar els artistes "mainstream" - en altres decades alguns dels artistes que sempre estaven a les llistes d'exits també cantaven alguna cançó protesta.
En fi, mentre intento trobar-les del segle 21, repassarem 3 o 4 de les grans cançons.
Phil Ochs va cantar aquesta cançó contra la guerra i repressió violenta a la decada dels 60, I ain't a-marching anymore.
So, watching the news it looks like the world's gonna end! Or at least the world based on Money Money Money! Everywhere you look, crisis, bankruptcy, political scandals, added to the usual problems of war, starvation and deadly diseases. It's so bad that we don't even have time to worry about the environmental problems, global warming, sea levels etc.
Over past decades artists have often composed songs reflecting their worries on local and global issues, protest songs. Not just singer-songwriters, but mainstream pop artists used to jump on board the Protest Bus, getting the message out to a mass audience. So, where are they today?
While I search for them, over the next few days we'll post a few classic protest songs from the past .... starting with Phil Ochs' 1960s song, I ain't a-marching anymore.
divendres, 11 de novembre del 2011
Is that love/ Up the junction - Squeeze
Two more hits from Squeeze.
Is that love?
Up the junction.
Is that love?
Up the junction.
is that love,
up the junction
dijous, 10 de novembre del 2011
Another nail /Pulling Mussels - Squeeze
Tant de bloc i encara no haviem posat a Squeeze! Un dels grups més interessants dels principis dels 80, però ara injustament oblidat per molta gent (incluyent aquest bloc fins ara!). Squeeze feien cançons amb bona musica, molt "catchy" (enganxosa?), musics superbs, i lletres divertides i originales. Entre els seus membres estaven el duo de Chris Difford i Glen Tilbrook, qui van escriure la majoria de les cançons, i als teclats primer Jools Holland, i despres Phil Carrack. Que podria fallar. Potser us sona el nom de Jools Holland ja que avui en dia presenta un programa de musica en directe molt bo al BBC (o al Digital Plus).
Igual ven escriure 10 o 20 super-hits, però en general tots els seus LPs son recomanables. Que tal si recuperem el temps perdut, ficant 2 avui, 2 demà.
Another Nail In My Heart.
Pulling Mussels (from the shell).
Squeeze - amazing how great they were, and how quickly they've been forgotten by many. I'm sure most young people today have never heard of them and it's a shame. At the start of the 80s they wrote hit after hit, mainly down to the leading artists Chris Difford and Glen Tilbrook. On keyboards they have had Jools Holland and Phil Carrack at different times in their career. Catchy pop music, amusing and original lyrics with many a play on words.
To make up for lost time on this blog, let's have two of their hits today, and another couple tomorrow.
dilluns, 7 de novembre del 2011
Black Bird Daisy - petit

Aquest estiu ha gravat el EP (un album més curt que un LP, amb 4 o 5 pistes - explicació per a la gent que son massa jovens per haver sentit parlar de singles, LPs, EPs, "12 inches", double albums etc!), Black Bird Daisy. Es pot descarregar legalment, pagant un preu raonable, aquí.
I, acaba de neixer el primer video clip d'aquest EP, concretament de la cançó que hi dona nom, Black Bird Daisy.
A few weeks back I posted some music and informaction about a new (to me) singer from Mallorca, petit. As with many "unknown" artists, petit is using the digital media to try and get his music out and about, and it's working. More and more music-lovers are picking up on little gems like this through youtubes, facebooks, twitters etc and leaving the mass-media to the dinosaurs like Coldplay or the Rolling Stones. If you like music, I recommend turning off Top of the Pops, and surfing the net ... you'll be surprised!
Anyway, clicking on the previous post, you'll find info about petit, and his newly updated web is here. If you visit (or when you visit), you can choose English as the language :)
This summer petit released the EP Black bird Daisy which can be heard and downloaded legally (for a reasonable price) at this address. And this week, today even, he has released the first video clip - a clip of the title song, Black Bird Daisy. Enjoy this! (and remember that enjoy is a transitive verb!)
Blackbird Daisy, petit from We Love Petit on Vimeo.
dissabte, 5 de novembre del 2011
Celebrem Guy Fawkes Night amb V for Vendetta!

Per bé o per mal, les autoritats li van enxampar, el 5 de novembre 1605. Li van jutjar i li van penjar, i tallar en 4 troços tal com es feia en aquells temps.
Els anglesos celebrem això cada 5 de novembre fent un manequi de Guy Fawkes i cremant-li damunt una foguera. També fem coets artificials i jocs pels jovens, i gaudim de menjars tipics a la vora del foc, perquè normalment per aquestes dates fa un fred que pela! Es diu Bonfire Night, o Guy Fawkes Night. Fa temps també es cantava versos contra els catolics i el Papa, però per sort, ara és només una festa de xalar.
No està gens clar que allò que volia fer Guy Fawkes ens hagues anat bé pels anglesos, però d'aixo ja fa 400 anys. Des de llavors, i cada cop més rapidament, el parliament britanic ha anat perdent prestigi, i ara aixo de ficar-li una bomba, mmmmm ....! O aixi ho veia Alan Moore en la seva novel·la grafica V for Vendetta, qui va agafar la cara de Guy Fawkes per a la mascara que porta V en la seva lluita per aconseguir allò que Fawkes no va fer. Si no heu llegit la novel·la, és com el 1984 de Orwell actualitzat!
I ara, evidentment, aquesta cara ha quedat com el simbol que tots coneixem com, més o menys, algu que lluita contra el sistema.
Bé, aquesta cançò no surt a la pel·licula que es va fer sobre la novel·la, però algu ho ha penjat al Youtube amb aquestes imatgens de la pel·li, i trobo que no queden gens malament.
Illusion - VNV Nation.
As you can imagine Guy Fawkes, and Bonfire Night, is not very well known outside of the UK! It's a very English story and history. However, when Alan Moore wanted a mask for the "hero" of his graphic novel, V for Vendetta, he chose this one. In this novel (pretty much an updated version of Orwell's 1984), the main character, V, also intends to blow up the Houses of Parliament! Shock, horror! Check out the book, or film, and you'll see why.
In recent times more and more people have started wearing this mask too, to show they are against the system, and against the establishment. For better or for worse, Guy Fawkes' masks are the symbol of the "Outraged!" movement which is gathering steam worldwide. Will some good come of it? Can anybody shake up the system?
Anyway, this song does not appear in the film, but as this youtube-user shows, it does suit this video clip he's made of the film's highlights.
Illusion - VNV Nation
guy fawkes,
v for vendetta,
vnv nation
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