Aquesta cançó no l'havia escoltada des de l'any 1988. Basicament perque és una cançó que només té sentit per un adolescent, i que viu a Anglaterra. Quan Morrissey canta "cada dia és com diumenge", a Anglaterra, i especialment en el tipus de poble que el coneixia, està cantant d'una situació molt depriment, on res canvia i no hi ha res a fer. Un diumenge qualsevol, per un jove anglès en aquella època podria ser etern, un avorriment etern. Morrissey demana que li llancen una bomba atomica damunt!
Com podeu imaginar, aquest concepte, de que els diumenges son els dies pitjors, aqui a Catalunya no té gaire sentit.
Però, l'altre dia un amic em va fer recordar la cançó i crec que pot ser apte per avui, i demà, i passat-demà ....
So, elections today in Spain. Doesn't look good. Whoever wins is promising more and more cutbacks and I imagine it's only a matter of days before Angela Merkel comes-a-calling! No one has a magic solution but presumably the people will think "a change is as good as a rest", kick out the left-wing (no!!, lost the dictionary) Socialists and install the right-wing PP. Whoever wins, don't look great for Catalunya either as both major parties in Spain are insinuating cutting back on Catalan rights and freedoms. Hopefully, the Catalans themselves will vote for a pro-Catalan party, but it's still a small voice when they go to Madrid.
In a nutshell, Spain is heading for grey, if not black, days and there's no sun on the horizon, which subtly reminded me of this song which I had not listened to since I left England many years ago, as here the concept of Sundays being miserable and grey and boring, well, doesn't apply. Till now.
ei, amunt! :)
ResponEliminaCap problema, com dic a Catalunya el 99% dels diumenges son bons! Només sembla que avui s'acaba el mon!