dilluns, 7 de novembre del 2011

Black Bird Daisy - petit

Fa uns dies vaig parlar de petit i la seva musica aquí al bloc. Si mireu l'enllaç a l'apunt original podeu trobar maneres de seguir-li i escoltar la seva musica a traves de la xarxa, ja que , com molts "petits" artistes, sembla que la boca-a-boca, o teclat-a-teclat, és la manera més eficaç de fer-se un espai i arribar a la gent. Aqui acaba de sortir el seu web nou.

Aquest estiu ha gravat el EP (un album més curt que un LP, amb 4 o 5 pistes - explicació per a la gent que son massa jovens per haver sentit parlar de singles, LPs, EPs, "12 inches", double albums etc!), Black Bird Daisy. Es pot descarregar legalment, pagant un preu raonable, aquí.

I, acaba de neixer el primer video clip d'aquest EP, concretament de la cançó que hi dona nom, Black Bird Daisy.


A few weeks back I posted some music and informaction about a new (to me) singer from Mallorca, petit. As with many "unknown" artists, petit is using the digital media to try and get his music out and about, and it's working. More and more music-lovers are picking up on little gems like this through youtubes, facebooks, twitters etc and leaving the mass-media to the dinosaurs like Coldplay or the Rolling Stones. If you like music, I recommend turning off Top of the Pops, and surfing the net ... you'll be surprised!

Anyway, clicking on the previous post, you'll find info about petit, and his newly updated web is here. If you visit (or when you visit), you can choose English as the language :)

This summer petit released the EP Black bird Daisy which can be heard and downloaded legally (for a reasonable price) at this address. And this week, today even, he has released the first video clip - a clip of the title song, Black Bird Daisy. Enjoy this! (and remember that enjoy is a transitive verb!)

Blackbird Daisy, petit from We Love Petit on Vimeo.

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