dissabte, 19 de novembre del 2011

The revolution will not be televised / They shall not pass

Aixi que, donant per perdut els Top 40, quedem amb els cantautors. Aqui tenim una que Billy Bragg ens recomana. Grace Petrie amb dos cançons, The revolution will not be televised i, recordant que demà és el 20N, que fa 36 anys que va morir Franco (hola Tortosa - ja podeu treure el seu monument!), They Shall Not Pass.


So, forgetting the Top 40, it looks like we'll have to stick with the usual singer-songwriters to give us some clues about the state of the world. Here's a new one that Billy Bragg himself endorses - Grace Petrie. Two songs today, The revolution will not be televised, and They Shall Not Pass - in homage to those who fought for liberty, and democracy, in Spain and Catalunya. Well-timed, as tomorrow is the anniversary of Franco's death - he died 36 years ago, although Tortosa's council seem not to have realised with their insistence on maintaining his monument in place!!

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