Escric això abans de saber els resultats de les eleccions, però la veritat és que a aquestes altures de la pel·lícula ben poc m'interessen ... ja sabem tots com ha de ser el futur de l'estat espanyol, vist les experiencies dels ultims 15 dies, i si a Catalunya no li deixen baixar, pos, també ens enfonsarem amb ells.
Però, jo, sempre positiu :) Avui algunes coses, i algunes persones reiniciem :)
After a long and drawn-out period off work for health reasons (nothing too serious), it's re-start time. So, ignoring the political and economic mess we're in, let's try and be positive folks :)
Glad to hear that your feeling better, Brian. x
ResponEliminaThanks! I¡m afraid I had 6 weeks off work with a "dodgy" back, but luckily (for my bank manager and family) I seem to be on the road to recovery and about to cross the finishing line! Seriously, thanks, I was lucky it was nothing serious and with the correct treatment and a suitable exercise regime all should be back to normal soon.
ResponEliminaSo, it looks like the first NY resolution involves a swimming pool! (and less time sat at the pc!).
Best wishes!!