Bé, aquí tancat a casa esperant la Gran Ola de Fred ... ho hauran exagerat, o serà veritat? Abans era normal passar un hivern de glacades, fins i tot aquí a Tortosa m'han dit, però ara fa anys que no passem fred de veritat. Si puc sortir de casa per la neu, demà ho contarem.
Mentrestant, una tercera bubblegum hit, Billy don't be a hero dels Paper Lace, any 1974.
Unusually for the Sunny Mediterranean, they're predicting "Siberian" conditions for today and tomorrow - intense cold, and snow!! We'll be keeping an eye out, but I rather fear they've exaggerated it a little. Having said that, it has apparently snowed in Barcelona - will it reach Sunny Tortosa?
And here's a third bubblegum hit from my favourite CD of the moment ...
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