dijous, 12 d’abril del 2012

Islands - Bonnie Tyler & Mike Oldfield

Parlant d'illes desertes per on ens podriem escapar, pos, he recordat aquesta cançó. Té la curiositat de que és una cançó de Mike Oldfield i Bonny Tyler del 1987 que jo no vaig coneixer fins els anys 90. No té perdo (lo de no coneixer la canço, vull dir - tampoc és que m'agrada gaire, però hauria de coneixer-la!). Suposo que l'excusa és que va coincidir en uns anys de molt de moviment en la meva vida i no estava tan pendent de les coses importants en la vida. Islands.


Talking about desert islands to escape to and spend the rest of your life on ... not me, of course, but some people do talk .... I've remembered this tune. The remarkable thing about this song, for me, is that although Mike Oldfield and Bonny Tyler recorded it in 1987, I didn't hear it until the 90s. Unforgiveable (not as it's so good - it isn't - but for a music freak like me not to know it). My only excuse is that the period it came out in coincided with a tricky period in my life, when I wasn't so focussed on the really important matters.

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