dimarts, 10 d’abril del 2012

It's raining men - The Weather Girls #PerNetejarLaCasa

A vegades em poso a fer la neteja de casa - el housework. Per tal objectiu, evidentment, cal una bona musica - sovint poso els Guns 'n' Roses, o Nirvana, però l'any passat em vaig comprar aquest CD. Expressement dissenyat per ajudar-te a fer les tasques de casa. Suposo que algu podria preguntar per que surt una dona i no un home a la portada, però davant d'una opció 50/50 suposo que és questió de sort, i no de mala fe ....

La veritat és que el tema, housework, només és una excusa per fer una enessima recopilació de musica pop dels 80 i 60 - surten tots els de sempre (per això ho vaig comprar!). Queen, Blondie, Hot Chocolate, I will survive, Build me up buttercup .... en fi, si us agrada netejar la casa a ritme de musica pop de tota la vida, aquest és el LP que necessites.

Triant una de totes, que tal The Weather Girls, amb It's Raining Men?


As I have no plans for fleeing the country, and a firm committment to this stable family life in happy Catalonia, from time to time I actually do my share of cleaning and housework - and obviously I need some cool music. I usually put on Guns 'n'Roses or Nirvana, but last year I couldn't resist buying this little gem - a CD especially designed to "help" with your housework. Sexist design? Maybe, maybe not, it could just as easily have been a man, but with a toss of a coin maybe they chose a woman by chance .....

Anyway, the fact is that the theme of housework is basically just an excuse to make up yet another compilation of classic 60 and 80s pop. As you can imagine, it's all here - Queen, Blondie, Hot Chocolate, I will survive, Build me up buttercup .... So, if it's a good CD you need to accompany your weekly, or monthly, clean-around, this is the one for you!

Here's one of the tracks ....

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