Un bloc de Brian Cutts amb música, llibres i algun que altre comentari sobre les Terres de l’Ebre o l’actualitat ..... music, books and the odd comment on current affairs, or local news and events in southern Catalonia.
diumenge, 15 d’abril del 2012
Sweet Soul Music - Arthur Conley #MostListenedTo
No m'atreveixo de contar quanta musica tenim a casa - entre CDs, arxius, LPs, singles, cassettes ... literalment milers d'albums. Però t'adones que hi ha albums que tornes a escoltar un cop i un altre cop. Quan era més jove, i tenia més temps i menys recursos potser es podia escoltar a tot i anar variant, però paradoxament ara que tinc més música que mai a casa, potser acabem escoltant menys varietat que mai! El cas és si només tens un momentet per escoltar cada dia, sovint tries el que t'agrada més. I un dels LPs que sovint acaba dins la reproductora és aquest - una recopilació del Atlantic Soul. Un CD que ja vaig comprar de segona ma, fa anys, crec que no tenia ni reproductor de Cds en aquell moment!
La primera pista és Sweet Soul Music, del Arthur Conley.
One day you wake up and find your house is literally full of music - thousands of CDs, LPs, cassettes, download files - and no time to listen to it all. Maybe as a teenager, with limited resources and more free time, I would listen to all my collection, but, paradoxically, the more music I'm getting, the less varied are our everyday listenings. I suppose if you only have a short while each day to put something on, you tend to play it safe.
Anyway, one of the albums which we listen to most is this, an excellent find some years back in a second-hand sale!
Hello Brian - you need be a "lurker" no more - having returned from a recent weekend break, I am looking forward to catching up with everyone I've not spoken to since being away - my blogs were pre-scripted to post while I was away but I am glad at least one of them stuck a chord with you!! I TOO have music beyond that which I can feasibly listen to.... perhaps we all need to randomise our selections - quaintly, I still listen mostly to CD when I am in the car and when Dawn is driving we listen to tapes (her car STILL has a tape deck) and we've got an mp3 tuner so you can tune your radio into an mp3 device - good stuff and simple to use. FoX
Hi, I often pre-post too, it's the only way I can give a semblance of regularity to the blog, preparing a week's worth at one go. Yep, cassettes, a sticky point at home as my "better half" thinks we should finally bin them, but I don't! Spent the Easter holidays fixing our record player and thrilling our two kids with real LPs and singles!! Thanks for the visit/comment, Brian
Hello Brian - you need be a "lurker" no more - having returned from a recent weekend break, I am looking forward to catching up with everyone I've not spoken to since being away - my blogs were pre-scripted to post while I was away but I am glad at least one of them stuck a chord with you!!
ResponEliminaI TOO have music beyond that which I can feasibly listen to.... perhaps we all need to randomise our selections - quaintly, I still listen mostly to CD when I am in the car and when Dawn is driving we listen to tapes (her car STILL has a tape deck) and we've got an mp3 tuner so you can tune your radio into an mp3 device - good stuff and simple to use.
ResponEliminaI often pre-post too, it's the only way I can give a semblance of regularity to the blog, preparing a week's worth at one go.
Yep, cassettes, a sticky point at home as my "better half" thinks we should finally bin them, but I don't!
Spent the Easter holidays fixing our record player and thrilling our two kids with real LPs and singles!!
Thanks for the visit/comment,