Si esteu llegint
això en català, és més que probable que ja sabeu de que va Sant Joan. Però si voleu practicar l’anglès, o saber que explico als meus seguidors internacionals (tots dos),
podeu continuar ....
the 24th June, is Saint John’s Day – a national holiday here in Catalonia. Just
who John was or what cool deeds he did, I do not know, but it’s not relevant to
today’s post anyway. Today, the 23rd, then is Saint John’s Eve, and
tonight is Big Party Time in Catalonia. Everyone gathers together, families,
friends, drunken teens, for one of the best hair-letting-down celebrations of
the Catalan calendar. Plenty of food, nice cakes, and drink to start things
off. Once night falls, the party kicks off – with one of its main features
being a haphazardly letting off of fireworks by anyone who can work a lighter.
All those rules we were taught in England are completely ignored – you know,
keep them in a closed tin; only adults can buy and light them; never hold in
your hand as you light them; don't throw them; do not go back to a failed one; don’t
set them off near buildings, or throw them under parked cars or in rubbish
bins; don’t keep them in your pocket or throw handfuls of ‘em on a bonfire etc.
Anyway as the drinks keep flowing, the bigger and better become the improvised firework
displays. Reminiscent of Vietnam around 1970. Many people finish the celebrations off in hospital.
Bonfires are lit and jumped over, for “good luck” – only “good” if your drunken
judgement allows you to clear the fire! Many people, or villages, organise
dances and the party goes on all night till dawn. This is often finished off by
a sobering dawn dip in the sea. A great time is had by all!!
Catalans believe this night coincides with the shortest one of the night, the
magical Mid Summer’s Night. My O-level Geography teacher said that that was on the
21st, but we won’t quibble. However you look at it, summer starts
here and now!! It does coincide with schools breaking up for their 2 and a half
month holiday and many kids use the bonfire to get rid of their school books!
Anyway, as
I prepare the compulsory Summer Party 2012 CD, this is one track I’ll be
including ....
Thanks again, Brian
ResponEliminaYou're welcome!
ResponEliminaHeu tingut bona revetlla? Natros si, els xiquets ho han passat de meravella!!
(per cert, parlant de l'anglès, avui han sortit 3 frases meves al diari Ara, sobre el tema de "on falla l'aprenentatge de l'anglès aqui" !! M'ha fet il·lusio, pero més em farà si serveix d'alguna cosa!)
Sounds like a "blast", quite literally! Those lucky kids with a ten, yes, one-zero weeks holiday? And their UNlucky parents (groans) - Was a day or two ago now, so I hope you're fully recovered and had a great night.
ResponEliminaJust coming round .... no, only joking, we actually managed to get home by 3am, you know what it's like when you're a responsible family man! We are noe two bottles of cava (catalan style "champagne") and about 30 quid in gunpowder worse off!!
ResponEliminaYep, the summer hols are loooooooonnnnnggggg, but it suits me too! Apparently if you add up all the school hols over the year, all EU countries end up with the same quantity (eg, over here, no half-terms, and limited Easter break); but the reason for the looongg summer one is that it is currently 36 degrees in the shade and classrooms with no air-con are around 27 or 28!